Wednesday, January 7, 2009

wat i did last night

I was on the crowded train with Kiara last night after dinner together.

We were right in front of seats meant for the elderly, children and pregnant.

We stood for 10 mins b4 a kind lady 5 seats away stood up to give up her seat for me. i kindly refused her as i was onli a few stops away from my destination. She was reallie kind to notice me though she was 5 seats away. I wonder why the young foreign couple in front of me apparently did not notice a pregnant woman right in front of them.

An old lady boarded the train with lotsa heavy bags and stood beside us. In the midst of my conversation with Kiara, i decide to do a little experiment. i read out the sign in front of me aloud....that the seats in front are meant for the elderly and commented that people are inconsiderate. The young couple continued in their own lovey world.

My last resort. I approached the old lady standing right in front of the couple and asked kindly if she needed a seat. She said No. Well, i thus did not pursue the matter any further. Seriously, if she had replied yes, i would luv to kindly alert the young couple that their seats are meant for the elderly and woulld kindly invite them to give up their seats for the old lady. I remained silent for the rest of the train journey, horrified to what i had juz witnessed.

This is happening in Singapore. And it's terribly horrifying. wow.....
Now, how exactly gracious a society Singapore is? :)

Is our education system truly building the character of our next generation? Or solely to attain its objective to make Singapore a profitable financial centre or the next advanced medical hub of the world? In the midst of academic pursuit, has the teaching of basic value system been compromised? Has excessive emphasis on selfish academic pursuit blinded the eyes of the next generation, that they no longer see truth, kindness and love?

I wonder.....

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