Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Poem: Study Woes

Lectures, to skip or not to skip?
That is a question.
To skip and get white-slipped?
Nah, just go in, freeze and sleep.

But why do we do so?
Should students lie, stoop (zzz) so low?
Is it wrong or is it right?
Someone save me from this plight

I'm now just getting paranoid
Tutorials, , way behind time
Just too lazy, undisciplined.
Waittasecond that's no crime!

A dose of discipline, it should help
But my self rejects it, coughs it out
I rush into a lazer's foray
And lag behind a year and a day

'Tis a plea for mercy?
Need I pills from a pharmacy?
Seems like I'm going crazy,
Oops, crazy's just a subset of me.

Perhaps concentration is what I need
But confusion, distraction, they on me feed.
Idiocy's flames engulf my pitiable heart
Like a fool and his wisdom depart.

So, that's part of what I have to say
I'm gonna finish my homework today
Check my answers on the spot
Become a mugger.

--> RJC LT4, Maths Lecture 1:20pm 16th Feb 1995
I really enjoy lectures, when I'm not paying attention :D

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