Thursday, September 13, 2007

Blog Entry: Almost done!

Phew, I'm almost done posting up my poems. Finished all up till 1996. A few more recent ones to post (actually, I'm just storing them online just in case I lose my poetry notebooks), and I can start blogging proper :)

To me, poetry is like a journal, recording my journey into near-insanity, the thoughts of war/anger/discontentment/etc that triggered it, and eventually how God presevered my life and my mind, healing me of my bitterness and saving me from madness forever.

Here then on, my poetry has a purpose, (other than writing love poems for my wife, of course :P ) which is to reflect God's goodness in my life, and to inspire others to draw near to Him. I have no more need for melancholy, self-pity or railing hatred at the evil of man. Man is sinful by nature, but God is sovereign. Amen? :D

Hopefully, I can post more poetry here to encourage people, and that would be a nice hearty motivation for me to start writing again.

Ok, time to grab some food. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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