Thursday, September 13, 2007

Poem: Herself

The diminshed silouhette
of a fading spark
As if headed 'neath the sun
beyond the reach of many arms
nearly distant
from all but herself
Yet equidistant as herself
from her self

For her self,
had too many arms.

--> Location unknown, 21st May 1996

I had stopped writing for a bit, till I exchanged poems with my classmate, Eddie Khoo. He has a very abstract way of writing, very oblique compared to my own forceful style.

This poem describes the life of a person, who did too much ("had too many arms"), moved too fast and became a stranger to everyone ("beyond the reach of many arms"), and when she had grown old and feeble, realised that she doesn't even recognise herself any more (that equidistant portion)

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