Sunday, March 29, 2009

Issue 5: Four Posse's & A Proposal?

Today, we shall dispense with civilities. Our visitors have come, and we shall show them off!

Chia Family

JoAnn, Chiaochyi & the little ones

Pretty Aunties!

More pretty aunties & ceh ceh!

Many many nice people!

Then came they on a special mission

And the proposal was made. Don't the daddies look delighted? =)


law said...

Hey... where's my photo with Baby K ar? :-)

daph said...

hey law, it's on the mar 15 entry!!! u gotta read on.......:)

empressfang said...

Hahaha! I really laughed seeing the daddies carrying the babies :D:D:D

Miss ya mommy daphne! Can't wait to see you again!