when little kielli gets less cranky, i do have some little time to myself, other than zzzzing & resting in bed.
yap, i realise tat time is so precious, so i'm glad God made women multi-tasking creatures. Well, men r made such tat they have the ability to compartmentalise every part of their lives, they dun mix work with private life. Well, for women, NOW i know why God made us tis way tat we mix all aspects of our lives together.
This multi-tasking attribute is especially useful during motherhood....
while kielli is less cranky n sleeps soundly, i do my face, cleanser, scrub n puts on my sea-clay mask n blogs at the same time..haha....when the mask is done n blog is done, it's about time kielli starts her "cranking" again......:P
Ok. The face scrub & mask makes my day!!! Also, will be having my Javanese body massage later, so tat makes me happie too! It's my 3rd session of massage n i like it. Juz a pity i can't do a body scrub or wrap. Well, after confinement.
Todae is a good day after all!!
Oh. Little kielli has woken up..tataz....gotta go...
Monday, March 30, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Issue 5: Four Posse's & A Proposal?
Today, we shall dispense with civilities. Our visitors have come, and we shall show them off!
Chia Family

JoAnn, Chiaochyi & the little ones

Pretty Aunties!

More pretty aunties & ceh ceh!

Many many nice people!

Then came they on a special mission

And the proposal was made. Don't the daddies look delighted? =)

Chia Family

JoAnn, Chiaochyi & the little ones

Pretty Aunties!

More pretty aunties & ceh ceh!

Many many nice people!

Then came they on a special mission

And the proposal was made. Don't the daddies look delighted? =)

Friday, March 27, 2009
Let's see who wins the bet!!! in 6 mths time!
i made a bet with Ter last nite.
Both ter & i tink it's stupid, silly, childish. But hey, somehow, it's sillily fun & entertaining too!! haha...If lishan & Kim hears about tis bet, they will certainly have a sarcastic evil good laugh and knock us both on the head. OR who knows they may join in the bet!!! haha...:)
Anyway, if i win the bet, i'll have a new watch i've been eyeing. If ter wins the bet, well, he can have anytin. Coz i'm very sure i will win this bet! ANd he will not have the chance to savour his gift!!!! haha!!
As a matter of fact, I can jolly well take a train to City Hall & get the watch myself. But the "joy" in getting this watch thru winning of a bet surpasses tat of getting it myself. And i'm surprised i am willing to wait 6 mths juz to get tis prized watch. :) It's juz special. Like ur first trophy or stuffed toy that u won in the arcade. Buying sometin for urself is juz different from winning sometin for urself.
Oh ya....6 more months
To Terence Leong: Challenge me! My wardrobe certainly has space for more accessories!!! :P
Both ter & i tink it's stupid, silly, childish. But hey, somehow, it's sillily fun & entertaining too!! haha...If lishan & Kim hears about tis bet, they will certainly have a sarcastic evil good laugh and knock us both on the head. OR who knows they may join in the bet!!! haha...:)
Anyway, if i win the bet, i'll have a new watch i've been eyeing. If ter wins the bet, well, he can have anytin. Coz i'm very sure i will win this bet! ANd he will not have the chance to savour his gift!!!! haha!!
As a matter of fact, I can jolly well take a train to City Hall & get the watch myself. But the "joy" in getting this watch thru winning of a bet surpasses tat of getting it myself. And i'm surprised i am willing to wait 6 mths juz to get tis prized watch. :) It's juz special. Like ur first trophy or stuffed toy that u won in the arcade. Buying sometin for urself is juz different from winning sometin for urself.
Oh ya....6 more months
To Terence Leong: Challenge me! My wardrobe certainly has space for more accessories!!! :P
Thursday, March 26, 2009
i survived!
Well....i survived 2 wks of confinement..n i'm so proud of it, though i kinda sneaked out twice in these 2 wks.
Life been preety fun with little Kielli. It's an aspect of life i have never enocuntered. Well, perhaps tis is motherhood.:) i wake up in the middle of nite, to peep at Kielli and her daddy while they sleep, examine their sleeping patterns & strange funny sleeping positions. And my heart melts. And i tot, hey, tis is so sweet...:) Tis is kinda s strange kind of contentment i have never experienced b4 in my entire life. Sometin strange & foreign to me. Yet sometin tat warms my heart. i can find no other word to describe it. ANd i can onli call it " motherhood" i guess. Perhaps, it's the motherly instinct.
The little gal has been growing n it's fun watching her grow. We've been reading John & Psalm to her daily when she was kinda like 3 mths in my tummy. And guess wat, when i started reading psalm to her again last week on a daily basis, she seems to understand wat i was reading. And i was so thrilled!! Yipee!!! i realise that i want to educate the little one the way/ methodology i want her to be educated, or rather i enjoy the freedom to educate her the way i want it to be, sometin more biblical or with scientific evidence. HAving a babysitter or caretaker who educates/trains her in a different old fashioned methodology seems to scare me. And i wonder how much the caretaker spends time in training or educating the little one, other than fulfilling the basic feeding needs.
I've been reading books on " how to play with babies" and " how to read to babies". And there's far more methodology in playing & reading to babies than i ever know. Eg: talking to babies in familiar words & reading to babies in " rare" words help them in language, sentence construction, grammer & vocab. I wonder how many caretakers in childcare centres are trained in such methodology and speak to my little one in proper sentences so that Kielli picks up the right sentence construction, enabling her to read n speak fluently in later phase of her life. Ok.ok. ok. Perhaps, i am a little demanding. But, these are exactly the tots going thru my mind after 2 wks with the littke gal. And i am currently processing them.
Ok. so 2 more weeks to go. I can't wait to get out of the house!! I'm already planning my to-do-list:
1) Do sometin with my hair with my favourite stylist at Jean Yip -Plaza Sing or SUpercuts- Far East.
2)HAve a mani & pedicure
3)Celebration Buffet
4)Date with Ter to watch Cats. Juz the 2 of us. Away from everyone!
5) Do a stock-take of my heels and shop for new pairs if necessary! i haven't bought any heels for the last 9 mths!
6) SWIM!!!
Good news! I've lost 10 kg. Shed 6 more kg and i will be back to my pre-preg weight! Yipee!
Well....i survived 2 wks of confinement..n i'm so proud of it, though i kinda sneaked out twice in these 2 wks.
Life been preety fun with little Kielli. It's an aspect of life i have never enocuntered. Well, perhaps tis is motherhood.:) i wake up in the middle of nite, to peep at Kielli and her daddy while they sleep, examine their sleeping patterns & strange funny sleeping positions. And my heart melts. And i tot, hey, tis is so sweet...:) Tis is kinda s strange kind of contentment i have never experienced b4 in my entire life. Sometin strange & foreign to me. Yet sometin tat warms my heart. i can find no other word to describe it. ANd i can onli call it " motherhood" i guess. Perhaps, it's the motherly instinct.
The little gal has been growing n it's fun watching her grow. We've been reading John & Psalm to her daily when she was kinda like 3 mths in my tummy. And guess wat, when i started reading psalm to her again last week on a daily basis, she seems to understand wat i was reading. And i was so thrilled!! Yipee!!! i realise that i want to educate the little one the way/ methodology i want her to be educated, or rather i enjoy the freedom to educate her the way i want it to be, sometin more biblical or with scientific evidence. HAving a babysitter or caretaker who educates/trains her in a different old fashioned methodology seems to scare me. And i wonder how much the caretaker spends time in training or educating the little one, other than fulfilling the basic feeding needs.
I've been reading books on " how to play with babies" and " how to read to babies". And there's far more methodology in playing & reading to babies than i ever know. Eg: talking to babies in familiar words & reading to babies in " rare" words help them in language, sentence construction, grammer & vocab. I wonder how many caretakers in childcare centres are trained in such methodology and speak to my little one in proper sentences so that Kielli picks up the right sentence construction, enabling her to read n speak fluently in later phase of her life. Ok.ok. ok. Perhaps, i am a little demanding. But, these are exactly the tots going thru my mind after 2 wks with the littke gal. And i am currently processing them.
Ok. so 2 more weeks to go. I can't wait to get out of the house!! I'm already planning my to-do-list:
1) Do sometin with my hair with my favourite stylist at Jean Yip -Plaza Sing or SUpercuts- Far East.
2)HAve a mani & pedicure
3)Celebration Buffet
4)Date with Ter to watch Cats. Juz the 2 of us. Away from everyone!
5) Do a stock-take of my heels and shop for new pairs if necessary! i haven't bought any heels for the last 9 mths!
6) SWIM!!!
Good news! I've lost 10 kg. Shed 6 more kg and i will be back to my pre-preg weight! Yipee!
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Prezzies! I want Prezzies!
Kielli says:
Hi everyone, my name is Kielli Leong Yi Xin.
I will be 1 month old on 11 April 09 and my handsome daddy is scratching his head on where/when/how to celebrate this momentous occasion. Mommy says that this will be a great chance to tell everyone how good God has been to me, and also a chance to meet all the nice aunties and uncles who've brought me so many nice prezzies over the last week!
Speaking of prezzies, if you wanna pamper me with something nice, and you really really can't decide what to buy, here's a few suggestions:
- Kidzloft vouchers (If they work with the 50% discount thingy?)
- A university education (ok, I'm kidding =D )
- Times Bookshop vouchers (mommy's eyeing those baby books)
- Detachable Infant Car Seat/Carrier (so I can go to June Camp!)
- Of if you're out of ideas, there's that little red paper thing they use to keep even more paper thingys. (Use paper to hold paper... It's so silly rite?)
*Note from Daddy: if you're buying something from this list, please add a Comment so that others won't buy the same items (or you can arrange to share the cost)
**Note from Mommy: Kielli has alot of clothing! There's no need to buy clothes for her for the next 2 years. *laments about lost shopping opportunies* =P
Hi everyone, my name is Kielli Leong Yi Xin.
I will be 1 month old on 11 April 09 and my handsome daddy is scratching his head on where/when/how to celebrate this momentous occasion. Mommy says that this will be a great chance to tell everyone how good God has been to me, and also a chance to meet all the nice aunties and uncles who've brought me so many nice prezzies over the last week!
Speaking of prezzies, if you wanna pamper me with something nice, and you really really can't decide what to buy, here's a few suggestions:
- Kidzloft vouchers (If they work with the 50% discount thingy?)
- A university education (ok, I'm kidding =D )
- Times Bookshop vouchers (mommy's eyeing those baby books)
- Detachable Infant Car Seat/Carrier (so I can go to June Camp!)
- Of if you're out of ideas, there's that little red paper thing they use to keep even more paper thingys. (Use paper to hold paper... It's so silly rite?)
*Note from Daddy: if you're buying something from this list, please add a Comment so that others won't buy the same items (or you can arrange to share the cost)
**Note from Mommy: Kielli has alot of clothing! There's no need to buy clothes for her for the next 2 years. *laments about lost shopping opportunies* =P
Issue 4; Hitch-hiker from the Present
Today, the adventures of Kielli takes a quick sidetrack. As the newscasters would often interject: "We interrupt this programme to bring you breaking news!"
"We have detected an unnatural phenomenon, a hyper-adapted reptilloid that is capable of travelling at 110 km/h, and has been spotted zooming recklessly along Singapore's roads! Over to our on-site correspondent for live pictures..."

Yes, this little lizard clung on for dear life on my car's side mirror as I was driving to church this morning (until it jumped off somewhere along Serangoon Gardens).
In other breaking news, we bring you a sneak preview of our latest scoop! The yet-to-be released gallery of expressions of Kielli Leong!








Blowing her own trumpet
"We have detected an unnatural phenomenon, a hyper-adapted reptilloid that is capable of travelling at 110 km/h, and has been spotted zooming recklessly along Singapore's roads! Over to our on-site correspondent for live pictures..."
Yes, this little lizard clung on for dear life on my car's side mirror as I was driving to church this morning (until it jumped off somewhere along Serangoon Gardens).
In other breaking news, we bring you a sneak preview of our latest scoop! The yet-to-be released gallery of expressions of Kielli Leong!







Blowing her own trumpet

Thursday, March 19, 2009
God's fragrance........
Daphne says:Hi everyone, thanks for all the generous gifts and well wishes for our baby girl!
It's been a blessing to share our little joy with frens and family. And, indeed we thank God for time to catch up with family and frens, near and far, and old buddies whom we have not met up for some time. Ter & i r truly blessed by all who have visited us....
Many frens been asking about her name, meaning, how to pronunce etc....
Here goes.....
Kielli Leong Yi Xin
(Pronounced as Key-Air-Lee)
Meaning: Fragrant Blossom (Hawaiian)
For we are to God the fragrance of
Christ among those who are being
saved and among those who perishing.
2 Corinthians 2:15 (NKJV)
May she grow up to be the fragrance of Christ where-ever the Lords calls her to ....:)
Mummy been confined at home for 1 week.............
Phew.........3 more weeks to go......
ANd hey, i miss the Jap Tanjong Pager food fiesta by the BFC ladies yesterdae...( informed by Lishan who wanna tempt me!!! haha )
I will be BACK for more Japenese food BFC Ladies Fellowship Soon soon....SOOOOOOON!!!!!
With my heels and non-maternity clothes.....haha....:P
It's been a blessing to share our little joy with frens and family. And, indeed we thank God for time to catch up with family and frens, near and far, and old buddies whom we have not met up for some time. Ter & i r truly blessed by all who have visited us....
Many frens been asking about her name, meaning, how to pronunce etc....
Here goes.....
Kielli Leong Yi Xin
(Pronounced as Key-Air-Lee)
Meaning: Fragrant Blossom (Hawaiian)
For we are to God the fragrance of
Christ among those who are being
saved and among those who perishing.
2 Corinthians 2:15 (NKJV)
May she grow up to be the fragrance of Christ where-ever the Lords calls her to ....:)
Mummy been confined at home for 1 week.............
Phew.........3 more weeks to go......
ANd hey, i miss the Jap Tanjong Pager food fiesta by the BFC ladies yesterdae...( informed by Lishan who wanna tempt me!!! haha )
I will be BACK for more Japenese food BFC Ladies Fellowship Soon soon....SOOOOOOON!!!!!
With my heels and non-maternity clothes.....haha....:P
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Issue 3: Visions of the Future
When I was just a little girl
I asked my mommy, "What will I be"?
Will I be pretty? *Daddy nods vigorously*
Will I be rich? *Mommy bonks Daddy on the head*
Tis what they said to me...
"You could be a...."

...Girl Guide


... Businesswoman

...Boxercise Instructor!

...or just find a good guy, and be happily married like them :)
I asked my mommy, "What will I be"?
Will I be pretty? *Daddy nods vigorously*
Will I be rich? *Mommy bonks Daddy on the head*
Tis what they said to me...
"You could be a...."
...Girl Guide


... Businesswoman

...Boxercise Instructor!

...or just find a good guy, and be happily married like them :)

Friday, March 13, 2009
Issue 2: Visitors from a Known Galaxy!
In today's exciting issue, Kielli the Gorgeous is visited by visitors from Outer Spac... I mean from outside. While Kielli doesn't know them, she finds it enthralling to see these creatures so enthralled with her, showering her is gifts, kisses and exclamations of "Can I carry her?" (which are uncannily greeted by a familiar voice remarking "Ok, but sanitise your hands first", and then followed by 'squirt squirt' sounds.
Alas, it is time to chronicle Kielli's special encounters this very day, as she is propelled to fame, and into the affection of all these silly grown-ups making 'coo-coo' 'goo-goo' noises around her!
Grandma, Great Grandma, Grand Aunt

Uncles & Aunties Ng

More Grand Uncle/Aunts!

Aunt, Great Grandma & Grand Aunt!

So many Aunties & Uncles!!!

A Zerg Swarm of Aunties & Uncles!!!!!

Phew, now it's only a pretty couple.

My Grandparents. Don't they look happy to see me?

Can you see my little cousin? She's hiding in there somewhere...

Ok last one for the day. They look so happy as well.

Good night, everybody! =)
Alas, it is time to chronicle Kielli's special encounters this very day, as she is propelled to fame, and into the affection of all these silly grown-ups making 'coo-coo' 'goo-goo' noises around her!
Grandma, Great Grandma, Grand Aunt

Uncles & Aunties Ng

More Grand Uncle/Aunts!

Aunt, Great Grandma & Grand Aunt!

So many Aunties & Uncles!!!

A Zerg Swarm of Aunties & Uncles!!!!!

Phew, now it's only a pretty couple.

My Grandparents. Don't they look happy to see me?

Can you see my little cousin? She's hiding in there somewhere...

Ok last one for the day. They look so happy as well.

Good night, everybody! =)
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Issue 1: The Amazing Kielli!
After much anticipation, and painstaking care in delivery, we proudly present you.... Kielli Leong!

Introducing the Executive Producer:

Mommy Daphne!
Along with the creative director:

Daddy Croc!
Distributed by Leong Family Holdings:

Date of Birth: 11 Mar 09
Time of Birth: 8.31 pm
Weight at Birth: 3.16 kg (not 3.61 kg, oops)
Head Circumference: 34 cm
Length/Height: 50 cm
Cuteness: Infinte!!! =D
Now, for a preview of the next issue, here's a close up pic that will keep you coming back for more!

Introducing the Executive Producer:

Mommy Daphne!
Along with the creative director:

Daddy Croc!
Distributed by Leong Family Holdings:

Date of Birth: 11 Mar 09
Time of Birth: 8.31 pm
Weight at Birth: 3.16 kg (not 3.61 kg, oops)
Head Circumference: 34 cm
Length/Height: 50 cm
Cuteness: Infinte!!! =D
Now, for a preview of the next issue, here's a close up pic that will keep you coming back for more!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
The continuing adventures of Kielli Leong!
235pm: Dr Tee came in and said hi. What he did and said can be paraphrased as: "Goodie, I've been waiting for your epidural to kick in, now I can break the water bag easier." Interesting sight! Must see for all daddy's to be! =D
410pm: So boring! Daphne's half awake and she needs to be entertained! Presenting..... Me!

Actually, the focus should be the privilege card on the privileged man (i.e. me) =D

515pm: Man, I'm hungry. The chicken pie & half-a-mushroom pie from SPC didn't last me that long, considering that I gobbled them down at 1130am. So I ran down to Kopitiam to ta-bao Chicken Udon. The chicken was stale. pfft.... at least I got a 20% discount with my orange Kopitiam Card. pfft....
620pm: Mum and Aunty Janet arrived. I told them Kielli's not due till 8.30pm maybe. But they still came down to lend their support. Too bad the Staff Nurse wouldn't even let them peek into the ward hehe.
C'mon gorgeous ones, anytime now! =D
410pm: So boring! Daphne's half awake and she needs to be entertained! Presenting..... Me!

Actually, the focus should be the privilege card on the privileged man (i.e. me) =D

515pm: Man, I'm hungry. The chicken pie & half-a-mushroom pie from SPC didn't last me that long, considering that I gobbled them down at 1130am. So I ran down to Kopitiam to ta-bao Chicken Udon. The chicken was stale. pfft.... at least I got a 20% discount with my orange Kopitiam Card. pfft....
620pm: Mum and Aunty Janet arrived. I told them Kielli's not due till 8.30pm maybe. But they still came down to lend their support. Too bad the Staff Nurse wouldn't even let them peek into the ward hehe.
C'mon gorgeous ones, anytime now! =D
Kielli's coming out today!!! =)
This morning, just before I left home for work, Daphne had a little blood in her urine. So I scrambled to flip through our trusty "Mayo's Clinical Guide to Pregnancy" for a diagnosis....
"If there is blood, go to hospital, be kiasu abit" it said in more words than that.
So we hunkered down, and grabbed her bag:

Erm... I mean her delivery bag, my laptop, my reading materials and her handbag of creature comforts. =P
After dropping mom off at her office, we checked into the Delivery Suite and started getting comfortable

Looks nice doesn't it? It's so lovely here with a nice recliner bed for her, and a nice recliner chair for me. 11am: we're comfy and happily waiting for the contractions and other episodes of unexpected whatevers that the next hours have in store for us.
1pm: Contractions have started getting regular, and more intense. So we finally signed on the dotted line...

Yes, that's the epidural procedure acknowledgement form. The nice Dr Tan came in and explained the procedure to us, the risks, the blah blah blah, and what not. But he was really pro, talking us through the application of the needles and wires, and before we knew it, Daphne was sleeping like a baby. Okay, I exaggerate, but the numbness and relief was instantaneous and wonderfully soothing.
So why am I blogging now? Well, I did bring my laptop, but I forgot to bring my earphones (so no noisy games for me!). Daphne's sleeping (preserving her strength for the final lap) and I'm bored. So I logged into Wireless@sg, and started uploading the random pics we took while waiting around.
Woot, I never knew having a baby would be so fun! =)
Stay tuned for the commencing adventures of little beautiful Kielli Leong! =D =D
"If there is blood, go to hospital, be kiasu abit" it said in more words than that.
So we hunkered down, and grabbed her bag:

Erm... I mean her delivery bag, my laptop, my reading materials and her handbag of creature comforts. =P
After dropping mom off at her office, we checked into the Delivery Suite and started getting comfortable

Looks nice doesn't it? It's so lovely here with a nice recliner bed for her, and a nice recliner chair for me. 11am: we're comfy and happily waiting for the contractions and other episodes of unexpected whatevers that the next hours have in store for us.
1pm: Contractions have started getting regular, and more intense. So we finally signed on the dotted line...

Yes, that's the epidural procedure acknowledgement form. The nice Dr Tan came in and explained the procedure to us, the risks, the blah blah blah, and what not. But he was really pro, talking us through the application of the needles and wires, and before we knew it, Daphne was sleeping like a baby. Okay, I exaggerate, but the numbness and relief was instantaneous and wonderfully soothing.
So why am I blogging now? Well, I did bring my laptop, but I forgot to bring my earphones (so no noisy games for me!). Daphne's sleeping (preserving her strength for the final lap) and I'm bored. So I logged into Wireless@sg, and started uploading the random pics we took while waiting around.
Woot, I never knew having a baby would be so fun! =)
Stay tuned for the commencing adventures of little beautiful Kielli Leong! =D =D
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Pregnancy has " grounded" me physically n tat gives me lotsa time to read.
i have been reading, reading, reading these months.
Indeed, after all that has happened, and many of us are so tempted or prone to making remarks, i realise that i need to guide my heart and mind in Christ Jesus jealously. And i need to read, read n read that God's word be deeply etched in my heart that i may not sin against Him or say anything that is not glorifying to Him. The tongue is dangerous and it requires lotsa discipline to tame it.
I have been reading MAtthew these days. In the past, i had read it from a story kind of perspective, like what Jesus did, wat happened, the events that occured, whois who, more concerned about the storyline n miracles Jesus performed.
But somehow, tis time round, the Lord taught me to read it from another perspective. Not so much concentrating on the events or great miracles that happened , but rather on the heart of Christ as he does all these miracles, reaches out to his people. It is refreshing to know the heart of Christ as he talks, answers, communicates to different groups of people, be it fishermen, Pharisees, tax collectors, crowd etc.. There are times he spoke with great authority, rebuke, conviction. Yet, there are times too when he spoke with gentleness, compassion and mercy. How God answers the difficult questions posed to him by different people out to harm or kill him. How God answers His disciples. How God answers Satan. How God answers the crowd.
Indeed, wat is the heart of Christ? As he deals with so many groups of people of different intentions, social status, educational or intelluctual levels,age group etc?
The Lord softens my hard heart while i read on this book. And it has truly been refreshing. i was wondering if i was there with Christ as He travelled, how would i have reacted to all these people, their doubts, their fears, their evil schemes, their needs? How would i have answered? With bitterness? With compassion? With conviction? With authority? with rebuke? I reallie dunno. How has Christ answered? What is his Heart for them?
As we go through a difficult time, i pray that we may handle all matters with a heart of Christ, as how Christ would have handled it. May we guide our hearts n minds in Christ during this time!
oK. time for my noon nap! tataz...:0
i have been reading, reading, reading these months.
Indeed, after all that has happened, and many of us are so tempted or prone to making remarks, i realise that i need to guide my heart and mind in Christ Jesus jealously. And i need to read, read n read that God's word be deeply etched in my heart that i may not sin against Him or say anything that is not glorifying to Him. The tongue is dangerous and it requires lotsa discipline to tame it.
I have been reading MAtthew these days. In the past, i had read it from a story kind of perspective, like what Jesus did, wat happened, the events that occured, whois who, more concerned about the storyline n miracles Jesus performed.
But somehow, tis time round, the Lord taught me to read it from another perspective. Not so much concentrating on the events or great miracles that happened , but rather on the heart of Christ as he does all these miracles, reaches out to his people. It is refreshing to know the heart of Christ as he talks, answers, communicates to different groups of people, be it fishermen, Pharisees, tax collectors, crowd etc.. There are times he spoke with great authority, rebuke, conviction. Yet, there are times too when he spoke with gentleness, compassion and mercy. How God answers the difficult questions posed to him by different people out to harm or kill him. How God answers His disciples. How God answers Satan. How God answers the crowd.
Indeed, wat is the heart of Christ? As he deals with so many groups of people of different intentions, social status, educational or intelluctual levels,age group etc?
The Lord softens my hard heart while i read on this book. And it has truly been refreshing. i was wondering if i was there with Christ as He travelled, how would i have reacted to all these people, their doubts, their fears, their evil schemes, their needs? How would i have answered? With bitterness? With compassion? With conviction? With authority? with rebuke? I reallie dunno. How has Christ answered? What is his Heart for them?
As we go through a difficult time, i pray that we may handle all matters with a heart of Christ, as how Christ would have handled it. May we guide our hearts n minds in Christ during this time!
oK. time for my noon nap! tataz...:0
Concert at Botanical Gardens
Check out this concert at Botanical Gardens!
I'm interested in the NAnyang Brass Band. I wonder if Kielli will arrive later than 15 Mar! :)
Event Selected : Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Brass Band (Sunday)
Date : 15 Mar
Time : 6-7pm
Venue : Shaw Foundation Symphony Stage
Contact : Visitor Services (6471 7361)
Content : Stay tuned for more information of the Band!
I'm interested in the NAnyang Brass Band. I wonder if Kielli will arrive later than 15 Mar! :)
Event Selected : Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts Brass Band (Sunday)
Date : 15 Mar
Time : 6-7pm
Venue : Shaw Foundation Symphony Stage
Contact : Visitor Services (6471 7361)
Content : Stay tuned for more information of the Band!
sometin to look forward to
i'm going for Porridge Buffet @ Suntec tomorrow with Wendy, Karen, Allan & little Christoph!And, i'm reallie looking forward to it.
I've stayed at home for 4 days n i'm so so bored......Actually i sprained my ankle n it's kinda swollen n not fully recovered n a little painful. But, i reallie need to get out of the house n go to town!!!!!!!! So i'm juz praying that my ankle can heal by tomorrow.God, pls juz heal the ankle. Anyway, no matter what happens tomorrow, independent of the ankle, i am going to Suntec and that's final!!! :)If i can't walk, at most, i will juz find a cofffee place, read a book and wait for Ter to rescue me when he finishes work.At least i get to breathe some " town air" haha. Tat is my backup plan!
Well, i shall hibernate at home todae, rest my ankle n i will be all ready tomorrow!!! :)
The Ngs were so nice to offer to drive me all the way there. It's such a blessing.:) God is so good to me!
I haven't seen Wendy & KAren 4 quite some time. I'm looking forward to see them and spend time with them. :)
Oh ya, the "CATS" musical is coming n i reallie hope i can catch it! I should be able to get out of the house in 1 mth's time.
I've stayed at home for 4 days n i'm so so bored......Actually i sprained my ankle n it's kinda swollen n not fully recovered n a little painful. But, i reallie need to get out of the house n go to town!!!!!!!! So i'm juz praying that my ankle can heal by tomorrow.God, pls juz heal the ankle. Anyway, no matter what happens tomorrow, independent of the ankle, i am going to Suntec and that's final!!! :)If i can't walk, at most, i will juz find a cofffee place, read a book and wait for Ter to rescue me when he finishes work.At least i get to breathe some " town air" haha. Tat is my backup plan!
Well, i shall hibernate at home todae, rest my ankle n i will be all ready tomorrow!!! :)
The Ngs were so nice to offer to drive me all the way there. It's such a blessing.:) God is so good to me!
I haven't seen Wendy & KAren 4 quite some time. I'm looking forward to see them and spend time with them. :)
Oh ya, the "CATS" musical is coming n i reallie hope i can catch it! I should be able to get out of the house in 1 mth's time.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Suesue...Beebee & Cheche...
Last Sat, i went out with Sue, Bee and Cheri , my good frens cum old church mates from RCC. And, i reallie enjoyed the times with them.
Seriously, though i had left Renewal since 2001, my parents, sis and bro-in-law, good frens Sue and Cheri are still there, so i kinda still get lotsa updates about wats happening in Renewal! :) Like whois pregnant, married, new pastors,their events, list goes on n on.....
God has been good to me and though i miss the good old youthie days in Renewal, i know that God has brought me to BFC with a purpose and i have never regretted leaving Renewal though it was a tough decision i made 8 yrs back.
I am a sentimental person. But i'm also a heartless one who makes painful heartless decision, despite of my emotions at times. In this aspect, Terence & i are very similar. We can be heartless enough to dump our daughter in the forest to let her grow up, onli to find myself sobbbing everynite to sleep. :)
I can look back at the past, dwell on the wonderful days in renewal, Yet, i will never regret making the decision to leave Renewal. To me, I believe in the future and being decisive.
In God's work, i believe in sacrifices being made.
Sometimes, we need to leave, need to make tough, painful decisions. It may be tough,but, sometimes, in life, to pursue God's path, we need to make painful decisions.
It's good to be out with these gals, knowing that despite all these years, they are all still loving & serving the Lord. Sue is bz leading a group in renewal, cheri and hubby serving in youth & music min in renewal, bee & hubby settled down in Wesley.
Though we may not be in the same church or even ministry together, we still share the same vision for the Lord's work and it's juz refreshing to have such good frens. We may not be called into the same church or ministry, but i know that God has a special purpose for each one of us in our own church n ministry. And, may we all grow together and encourage each other to perservere on and spur on for His work! :)
They have been my dear sisters since youthie days n they always will be so dear to my hearts! :)
Seriously, though i had left Renewal since 2001, my parents, sis and bro-in-law, good frens Sue and Cheri are still there, so i kinda still get lotsa updates about wats happening in Renewal! :) Like whois pregnant, married, new pastors,their events, list goes on n on.....
God has been good to me and though i miss the good old youthie days in Renewal, i know that God has brought me to BFC with a purpose and i have never regretted leaving Renewal though it was a tough decision i made 8 yrs back.
I am a sentimental person. But i'm also a heartless one who makes painful heartless decision, despite of my emotions at times. In this aspect, Terence & i are very similar. We can be heartless enough to dump our daughter in the forest to let her grow up, onli to find myself sobbbing everynite to sleep. :)
I can look back at the past, dwell on the wonderful days in renewal, Yet, i will never regret making the decision to leave Renewal. To me, I believe in the future and being decisive.
In God's work, i believe in sacrifices being made.
Sometimes, we need to leave, need to make tough, painful decisions. It may be tough,but, sometimes, in life, to pursue God's path, we need to make painful decisions.
It's good to be out with these gals, knowing that despite all these years, they are all still loving & serving the Lord. Sue is bz leading a group in renewal, cheri and hubby serving in youth & music min in renewal, bee & hubby settled down in Wesley.
Though we may not be in the same church or even ministry together, we still share the same vision for the Lord's work and it's juz refreshing to have such good frens. We may not be called into the same church or ministry, but i know that God has a special purpose for each one of us in our own church n ministry. And, may we all grow together and encourage each other to perservere on and spur on for His work! :)
They have been my dear sisters since youthie days n they always will be so dear to my hearts! :)
it works!
The credit card which i dumped into the washer, Ter insisted on using it for his payment.
And, hey, it works!!!!
wow..i am amazed.
Does it mean that i can safely " accidentely" dump his credit cards into the washer??? wahaha...:P Saves me lotsa trouble searching every pocket!!
And, hey, it works!!!!
wow..i am amazed.
Does it mean that i can safely " accidentely" dump his credit cards into the washer??? wahaha...:P Saves me lotsa trouble searching every pocket!!
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