Monday, February 2, 2009

little books for little minds...

i'm trying to get some books for the little one.

I've heard some good reviews about Baby Einstein. Apparently, some on the net said they can't get it in singapore n some mums kinda got it shipped directly by bulk purchase. Well, perhaps, i'll juz look around borders n see if it's available.

If not, most prob, i;ll juz get it from
Of all the sites i've surfed, i tot this site offers a more decent selection of good titles! :)

Ter been looking around at veggietales! He'll be happie with the veggietales selection on wonderbox!

The baby books here are so cute too!


Anonymous said...

Hi, Baby Einstein is available on video too if we are talking about the same ones. my co distributes quite a bit of baby disc, so let me know if you are intersted. Can try to get. =)

Anonymous said...

I have a way to get it cheap. Let me know if you are interested.

Terence said...

Will find out more from u when we meet tonight! :) Thanks dear!

dency said...

if u are really interested in baby Einstein, i can possibly bring some back for u if u not looking to get too many :)we are planning to ground-ship our stuff back. can spare a lil space for u too :) FB or email me soon :)