Monday, November 24, 2008

Juz bored....

When u r bored, u tink more........well, u gotta lotsa time to think, reflect about life. Perhaps, this time round, God is teaching me to slow down my pace, think, reflect, realign and recommit my life to him. Motherhood sure has its very own challenges. I;m not ready and will never be ready!!! haha...

And perhaps, this is the time to prepare my heart emotionally and spiritually for the little one. i wonder how i can shepherd the little one if me myself is kinda still lost in life! :P i seriously wonder how parents can teach their little ones about God when they themselves have much issues with God and is still in lala land, deceiving themselves and God. As a mother, i need to realign my tots with God once again, be trained biblically, such that i can impart the biblical values to the little one. I need to be equipped with God's word!

In this modern world, many parents ( even christians) have chosen to address the issues of parenting in unbiblical methods such as psychology - by reward ( if u do it, u get this), punishment & threat ( if u do it, u get a spanking) ,emotional appeal ( if u do it, mummy will be so happy n proud of you). Certainly, these methods are very effective in behaviour changing. Yet, they are superficial and does not address the heart of the little one. As the heart and behaviour is such closely linked, in using such unbiblical methods, it kinda trains the kid's heart NOT towards biblical motives and goals to perform certain duties. But, ironically, it trains them to greedy interest to obtain rewards. ( In life, if i want sometin for my self-interest, i will have to perform this thingy.) The kid is trained to believe that when they do something in life, they deserve a reward. And they grow up to be uncontent adults who felt injustice when the world does not reward them for what they have done. Biblical methods address not jusz on behaviour changing but rather focusing on changing of the heart. Indeed, only when the heart is strongly impacted, that the behaviour will be changed as a result powerfully and certainly Sustainable. i have been reading " Shepherding a Child's Heart" by Tedd Tripp and it has introduced the biblical methodology. It's has truly blessed my heart and convicted me to shepherd my little one in heart issues, to realign the little one's goals, motivations, desires, behaviour to God. And i strongly recommend it to parents, going-to be parents or even to anyone in the children ministry.

Now, for my own goal:

here's run a life for God, to be diligent and faithful in running this race.

MAny times, we rush thru life. We get things done, not knowing the WHYs we get things done. and we can juz get by life getting things done, yet forgetting the meaning of life. Have u, in the midst of life, lost life? Have u truly lived life? or r u just living with an aimless goal?

i believe strongly that in the Christian walk, we should run with a goal in mind. This keeps us focussed and faithful on:

1) what we wanna achieve
2) what God wants us to achieve
3)what is our objective and end point (to glorify God and His name be praised)
4) the faith and foundation upon we r running this race ( if God is who we run for, our foundation and faith is built on Him n not earthly desires)

Set ur goals today my frens! Be focussed. Be faithful. And God will be pleased. :P There is nothing more defeating than not able to defeat ur own fears! It is not the defeats of life that defeats us. But it is our fear that cripple and defeat us!

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