OKOK, back to christmas! So we went Christmas shoppiNg today! FAbulous coz i have Terence all to myelf and i luv it!!!!:P Call me girlie, mushy or whatever, but i juz like to hold his hand up n down the escalator, down the malls. I thought that it's quite romantic to juz being with a loved one,knowing that our hearts are one in Christ and Christ is the author of our love story.
During my teenage yrs, romance is like flowers, candlelight dinners. But, in my Uni days, i remember asking myself what romance is and what i truly seek for! i know in my heart then that romance is simply able to worship God together with that special someone u love, able to stand b4 God together.
i imagine myself holding the hands of my loved one admiring the majestic mountains by the blue seas, singing praise songs to God for His creation. i thought that it's like so cool,so sweet, so warm-hearted! A new revelation for young me! One of the many dreams that i have when i was jus young, impulsive,imaginative n daydreams of the future! haha:P How many can stand b4 God wholeheartedly with a man they know has been called by God to be your husband? Many ask me how i know Terence is the one! Well,my answer: if ur heart is with God, u will know Him n His answer. Seek n find God's will with your heart, mind n soul with total obedience n submission.
Anyway, back to christmas!! We bought lotsa pressies! Want to bless our frens, family and church frens who have been a blessing to us, especially those from our small group! It's juz a way to let them know that we luv them so much!
All we bought! Spent some time wrapping but hey, i enjoy it! Wrapping presents is juz therapeutic for me! I enjoy packaging boring things till they become beautiful. Perhaps it's juz my marketing genes.
So, this fall, we introduce to u: 3 winter collections created by the Leongs...
Every christmas is diff. Last yr, i feel colourful with all the christmas fun with frens! ANd tis christmas, i have the WHiteY winter feel- warm n cosy! i imagine being by the fire in the cold winter with all my frens with hot soup. A cosy feeling. SO here's the cards to express howi feel tis yr! How do u feel this christmas?
So what's the true meaning of christmas? HAve u ever thought of it? To find out more, do join us for a
22 Dec 2007 ( Sat)
Baptist Fellowship Church
3/3A Lichfield Rd S 56823
Bring along a christmas gift of about $10.
See u there! :)
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