Went back to my parents place for weekly dinner. Sunday is always the family day with the Tans. As usual, mum cooked...nagged about how unhealthy outside food was, boasted about her organic brown rice n indirectly started the " why we should not take white rice theory". Over her organic orange juice which she happily served with a glee, she n dad kinda went on with how to discipline kids and Pastor Lawrence Khong's fantastic disciplining kids tapes.
Well, it's juz her and dad...some years back, they were into health talks... and they dragged me n sis to those health talks held at some super remote churches. That period of time, every meal time, they kinda educated me n sis how many injections chickens went thru, why we should take fruits 1/2 hr b4 meals. Imagine having blended fruit juice every morning, fruits b4 dinner<>, and best of all, something i aways remember...-my mum will bring raw carrots and celery sticks for us to eat in the car on my way to church. I HATE CELERY!
In the past, I used to simply entertain the nagging by shutting off and jus smiled. However, come to think of it, having been married for nearly 3 yrs, it's good to be back to hear my parents' nagging n theories every week. i do miss the nagging and their theories. :P It's always so " warm" and "comfortable" to be back with your own family.
Anyway, they gave us our first christmas gifts this year:
From dad and mum: Stripped Bossini Polo T for Terence and Pastel Towel set for me.
From Sis n bro-in-law: My sis reallie knows my heart and what i fancy! I luv her pressie! Evelyn Rose Perfume from Crabtree! i luv the packaging. it's silver, classy! And convenient to carry around in a neat handbag.
So blessed by them. i luv my family! :)
Been so bz with the cantata n no time for shopping. Feel so guilty that i have not bought anything for them.Well, next week will probably be christmas shopping time!
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