Bye..we're off to Bangkok!
Shop. shop. shop!:P
Shiok!Tat's all i need.
A short getaway to relax and read a book n most importantly a hubby to carry my luggage n pay 4 the shopping! haha:) Funz...
Friday, December 28, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Demise of a faithful servant :(
Epitath of Canon A95, S/No 9246212741:

You have seen what I have seen,
You have recorded with fidelity.
My many memories are preserved
by your unbiased view and memory
Alas, you have served me well.
I will miss you immensely.
Even as you now rot in the metal junkheap,
I will weep as I procure your successor.
Weep with a joyful shopping glee, that is :)

You have seen what I have seen,
You have recorded with fidelity.
My many memories are preserved
by your unbiased view and memory
Alas, you have served me well.
I will miss you immensely.
Even as you now rot in the metal junkheap,
I will weep as I procure your successor.
Weep with a joyful shopping glee, that is :)
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Hi everyone,
Please note that we have booked the chalet for our Annual Small Group Ministry Retreat:
Date: 4-6 Jan 2008 ( Fri-Sun)
Venue: Costa Sands Resort, Pasir Ris
Tentative Programme:
Friday Afternoon - Optional session for fun (boardgames, relaxing, etc).
Friday Evening - Food, food, food!
Saturday - Reflection and sharing. Planning and prayer.
Sunday - Go to church together. :)
This will be a time for reflection and recommitment to the Lord's service for 2008,
All are welcome, regular members & interested visitors as well.
Further details coming soon! Book your dates!!! :)
Please note that we have booked the chalet for our Annual Small Group Ministry Retreat:
Date: 4-6 Jan 2008 ( Fri-Sun)
Venue: Costa Sands Resort, Pasir Ris
Tentative Programme:
Friday Afternoon - Optional session for fun (boardgames, relaxing, etc).
Friday Evening - Food, food, food!
Saturday - Reflection and sharing. Planning and prayer.
Sunday - Go to church together. :)
This will be a time for reflection and recommitment to the Lord's service for 2008,
All are welcome, regular members & interested visitors as well.
Further details coming soon! Book your dates!!! :)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Christmas shopaholics!
It's christmas AGAIN! Somehow tis yr, christmas tends to be a little more sentimental as our next christmas in S'pore could just be in 2010. In our cab,Terence & i saw the christmas lights in Orchard on Tues and n it's juz beautiful. For that instance, i thought i may jus miss Singapore n wonder how's christmas gotta be like in US. Anyway, our application to IBC is like pending for really quite some time n we're juz waiting n waiting. We just trust that if it's God's will, He will open the doors for us to go US. If not, He will open other doors for us!
OKOK, back to christmas! So we went Christmas shoppiNg today! FAbulous coz i have Terence all to myelf and i luv it!!!!:P Call me girlie, mushy or whatever, but i juz like to hold his hand up n down the escalator, down the malls. I thought that it's quite romantic to juz being with a loved one,knowing that our hearts are one in Christ and Christ is the author of our love story.
During my teenage yrs, romance is like flowers, candlelight dinners. But, in my Uni days, i remember asking myself what romance is and what i truly seek for! i know in my heart then that romance is simply able to worship God together with that special someone u love, able to stand b4 God together.
i imagine myself holding the hands of my loved one admiring the majestic mountains by the blue seas, singing praise songs to God for His creation. i thought that it's like so cool,so sweet, so warm-hearted! A new revelation for young me! One of the many dreams that i have when i was jus young, impulsive,imaginative n daydreams of the future! haha:P How many can stand b4 God wholeheartedly with a man they know has been called by God to be your husband? Many ask me how i know Terence is the one! Well,my answer: if ur heart is with God, u will know Him n His answer. Seek n find God's will with your heart, mind n soul with total obedience n submission.
Anyway, back to christmas!! We bought lotsa pressies! Want to bless our frens, family and church frens who have been a blessing to us, especially those from our small group! It's juz a way to let them know that we luv them so much!
All we bought! Spent some time wrapping but hey, i enjoy it! Wrapping presents is juz therapeutic for me! I enjoy packaging boring things till they become beautiful. Perhaps it's juz my marketing genes.
So, this fall, we introduce to u: 3 winter collections created by the Leongs...
The 1st collection: Shimmering White, SIlver n gold.......Classic and classy!
The 2nd collection: White Winter Wonderland illuminated with ferries wheels. My favourite of all!
The 3nd collection: Distinct Signature Red to mark colourful christmas!

Every christmas is diff. Last yr, i feel colourful with all the christmas fun with frens! ANd tis christmas, i have the WHiteY winter feel- warm n cosy! i imagine being by the fire in the cold winter with all my frens with hot soup. A cosy feeling. SO here's the cards to express howi feel tis yr! How do u feel this christmas?
So what's the true meaning of christmas? HAve u ever thought of it? To find out more, do join us for a
22 Dec 2007 ( Sat)
Baptist Fellowship Church
3/3A Lichfield Rd S 56823
Bring along a christmas gift of about $10.
See u there! :)
OKOK, back to christmas! So we went Christmas shoppiNg today! FAbulous coz i have Terence all to myelf and i luv it!!!!:P Call me girlie, mushy or whatever, but i juz like to hold his hand up n down the escalator, down the malls. I thought that it's quite romantic to juz being with a loved one,knowing that our hearts are one in Christ and Christ is the author of our love story.
During my teenage yrs, romance is like flowers, candlelight dinners. But, in my Uni days, i remember asking myself what romance is and what i truly seek for! i know in my heart then that romance is simply able to worship God together with that special someone u love, able to stand b4 God together.
i imagine myself holding the hands of my loved one admiring the majestic mountains by the blue seas, singing praise songs to God for His creation. i thought that it's like so cool,so sweet, so warm-hearted! A new revelation for young me! One of the many dreams that i have when i was jus young, impulsive,imaginative n daydreams of the future! haha:P How many can stand b4 God wholeheartedly with a man they know has been called by God to be your husband? Many ask me how i know Terence is the one! Well,my answer: if ur heart is with God, u will know Him n His answer. Seek n find God's will with your heart, mind n soul with total obedience n submission.
Anyway, back to christmas!! We bought lotsa pressies! Want to bless our frens, family and church frens who have been a blessing to us, especially those from our small group! It's juz a way to let them know that we luv them so much!
All we bought! Spent some time wrapping but hey, i enjoy it! Wrapping presents is juz therapeutic for me! I enjoy packaging boring things till they become beautiful. Perhaps it's juz my marketing genes.
So, this fall, we introduce to u: 3 winter collections created by the Leongs...
Every christmas is diff. Last yr, i feel colourful with all the christmas fun with frens! ANd tis christmas, i have the WHiteY winter feel- warm n cosy! i imagine being by the fire in the cold winter with all my frens with hot soup. A cosy feeling. SO here's the cards to express howi feel tis yr! How do u feel this christmas?
So what's the true meaning of christmas? HAve u ever thought of it? To find out more, do join us for a
22 Dec 2007 ( Sat)
Baptist Fellowship Church
3/3A Lichfield Rd S 56823
Bring along a christmas gift of about $10.
See u there! :)
Street E and Flu Woes
Arrrggh! I hate my flu bug!!! I think I coughed at least 500 times during the 3 hours during Street E. And I coughed so hard that my head started throbbing, threatening to implode within my skull in protest.
On a better note, thank God that one guy got saved. Just happened that he was in the same school as Zegang, and Jonathan gave him the gospel and he accepted Christ. And he should be coming for this Saturday's Christmas party as well. God works in marvellous ways!
After the debrief, reached home at around midnight. Tried to sleep after the bath, but kept coughing until I dunno when. Only after Daphne roused me to eat Peipakao that the coughing receded somewhat. Thankfully, exhaustion took over, and the next thing I knew was morning, and for once, I'm not as energetic and alive at 8am like most days. Anyway, today's a public holiday. Time to relax, do some Christmas shopping, and spend some quality time with my dear wife.
Ciao! :)
On a better note, thank God that one guy got saved. Just happened that he was in the same school as Zegang, and Jonathan gave him the gospel and he accepted Christ. And he should be coming for this Saturday's Christmas party as well. God works in marvellous ways!
After the debrief, reached home at around midnight. Tried to sleep after the bath, but kept coughing until I dunno when. Only after Daphne roused me to eat Peipakao that the coughing receded somewhat. Thankfully, exhaustion took over, and the next thing I knew was morning, and for once, I'm not as energetic and alive at 8am like most days. Anyway, today's a public holiday. Time to relax, do some Christmas shopping, and spend some quality time with my dear wife.
Ciao! :)
Sunday, December 16, 2007
1st pressies!
Went back to my parents place for weekly dinner. Sunday is always the family day with the Tans. As usual, mum cooked...nagged about how unhealthy outside food was, boasted about her organic brown rice n indirectly started the " why we should not take white rice theory". Over her organic orange juice which she happily served with a glee, she n dad kinda went on with how to discipline kids and Pastor Lawrence Khong's fantastic disciplining kids tapes.
Well, it's juz her and dad...some years back, they were into health talks... and they dragged me n sis to those health talks held at some super remote churches. That period of time, every meal time, they kinda educated me n sis how many injections chickens went thru, why we should take fruits 1/2 hr b4 meals. Imagine having blended fruit juice every morning, fruits b4 dinner<>, and best of all, something i aways remember...-my mum will bring raw carrots and celery sticks for us to eat in the car on my way to church. I HATE CELERY!
In the past, I used to simply entertain the nagging by shutting off and jus smiled. However, come to think of it, having been married for nearly 3 yrs, it's good to be back to hear my parents' nagging n theories every week. i do miss the nagging and their theories. :P It's always so " warm" and "comfortable" to be back with your own family.
Anyway, they gave us our first christmas gifts this year:
From dad and mum: Stripped Bossini Polo T for Terence and Pastel Towel set for me.
From Sis n bro-in-law: My sis reallie knows my heart and what i fancy! I luv her pressie! Evelyn Rose Perfume from Crabtree! i luv the packaging. it's silver, classy! And convenient to carry around in a neat handbag.
So blessed by them. i luv my family! :)
Been so bz with the cantata n no time for shopping. Feel so guilty that i have not bought anything for them.Well, next week will probably be christmas shopping time!
Cantata. Praise God for souls saved!
Thursday, Final Rehearsal
When I woke up for work in the morning, I could feel the flu bug creeping up on me: runny nose, chilly hands, whole body very nua. The air con in office didn't help things, so I set it to fan mode, but it still wasn't comfortable. Sigh. Too many emails to send and I left about 2pm, sigh....By the time I reached home, I was like super exhausted.
Measured my temperature, 37.0 deg. Started packing to leave at 3.20pm, and kinda slumped on the sofa. No strength to move. Went to lie down in bed. Took my temperature, and it shot up to 37.7 deg. Daphne went to ACS herself first. Closed my eyes and almost didn't wake up when Daphne called home to tell me to get to ACS for 2nd rehearsal after dinner.
Somehow, I could still remember my lines, and when I was under the lights, I didn't feel so feverish. Maybe it's the warm glow of the spotlight, or adrenaline, but I knew that God was sustaining me through the rehearsal. How am I so sure? Cos I slumped kinda unconscious the moment I got into Kim's car on the way home. :)
Friday, First day:
Woke up feeling weak. 36.9 deg. Thank God the fever's gone. Went to ACS, miked up, dolled up again (yucks!) :P and was feeling fine till about 6.30pm after dinner. Waiting for the crowd to arrive, I felt the feverishness coming back. Alot of people asked me how I was, and my response changed from "Thank God I'm ok" to "Fever's back, but I'm still ok". David prayed for me backstage and everything went fine as the scenes went on.
Mom and Dad and Ceh came to watch. Disappointed that they didn't get saved. Haiz.... if I ever leave for IBC, it's the only regret that I would have, that they're still lost in sin. :```(
Saturday, 2nd day:
Woke up groggy as usual. Got better after I had coffee. That proves my theory that coffee can cure all diseases! :P
Spent the morning bugging Adrian and Terry (from AO) to come, but they kept throwing up excuses and gave a half-yes half-no answer. Haiz. In the end after cantata, I couldn't find them at ACS. Can't blame them, I should have spent more time having supper with them in the past year.
Anyway, I thank God for:
1) Helping Daphne overcome stage fright
2) Healing me from a 37.7 deg fever, and keeping me (and my voice) strong enough to act and sing
3) Saving 7 souls during the 2 nights
God is good, and He will see us through. We just need to pray, trust and obey. :)
When I woke up for work in the morning, I could feel the flu bug creeping up on me: runny nose, chilly hands, whole body very nua. The air con in office didn't help things, so I set it to fan mode, but it still wasn't comfortable. Sigh. Too many emails to send and I left about 2pm, sigh....By the time I reached home, I was like super exhausted.
Measured my temperature, 37.0 deg. Started packing to leave at 3.20pm, and kinda slumped on the sofa. No strength to move. Went to lie down in bed. Took my temperature, and it shot up to 37.7 deg. Daphne went to ACS herself first. Closed my eyes and almost didn't wake up when Daphne called home to tell me to get to ACS for 2nd rehearsal after dinner.
Somehow, I could still remember my lines, and when I was under the lights, I didn't feel so feverish. Maybe it's the warm glow of the spotlight, or adrenaline, but I knew that God was sustaining me through the rehearsal. How am I so sure? Cos I slumped kinda unconscious the moment I got into Kim's car on the way home. :)
Friday, First day:
Woke up feeling weak. 36.9 deg. Thank God the fever's gone. Went to ACS, miked up, dolled up again (yucks!) :P and was feeling fine till about 6.30pm after dinner. Waiting for the crowd to arrive, I felt the feverishness coming back. Alot of people asked me how I was, and my response changed from "Thank God I'm ok" to "Fever's back, but I'm still ok". David prayed for me backstage and everything went fine as the scenes went on.
Mom and Dad and Ceh came to watch. Disappointed that they didn't get saved. Haiz.... if I ever leave for IBC, it's the only regret that I would have, that they're still lost in sin. :```(
Saturday, 2nd day:
Woke up groggy as usual. Got better after I had coffee. That proves my theory that coffee can cure all diseases! :P
Spent the morning bugging Adrian and Terry (from AO) to come, but they kept throwing up excuses and gave a half-yes half-no answer. Haiz. In the end after cantata, I couldn't find them at ACS. Can't blame them, I should have spent more time having supper with them in the past year.
Anyway, I thank God for:
1) Helping Daphne overcome stage fright
2) Healing me from a 37.7 deg fever, and keeping me (and my voice) strong enough to act and sing
3) Saving 7 souls during the 2 nights
God is good, and He will see us through. We just need to pray, trust and obey. :)
Friday, December 14, 2007
Pics of the day!
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