I ordered some Worldworld flashcards online for the squealing jumpy jellybean and it arrived todae. Much earlier than i expect. And somehow, i like the feeling of ripping the parcel and find the stuff inside. I luv surprises. And i thought, maybe that's why i like the feeling of receiving sometin i have never seen b4. totally exciting. totally fun. It's like a little gal opening her pressies. well, i guess i'm still quite child-like at heart. :)haha.
Ter & i been having so much fun playing with her. We're simply in luv with her. She is so cute. Looks juz like her daddy! :)
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Thursday, October 15, 2009
juz 4 fun.
1. Visit tis website.http://sparklette.net/
2. On top right corner, find "turn on/off the lights." and click them.
3. cool right??? :) i like it!!
2. On top right corner, find "turn on/off the lights." and click them.
3. cool right??? :) i like it!!
high tea lovers
if u r a high tea lover like me, then u so gotta check out this:
i like the fixed set high teas particularly coz i'm not a buffet person.
1)i dislike the "too stuffed" after buffet feeling. i dun like to overeat.
2)i dislike buffet crowds. so noisy.
3)i like my food in a nice presentation. Buffet food is always messed up by incosiderate diners, especially at the sashimi counters.
4)i prefer food served fresh and piping hot and presented beautifully on my plate.
5) i dun like to queue for food. i prefer food to be served to me.
there are days when i feel like buffet-ing. but that's extremely rare. haha.
I've been wanting to try the three-tiered halia high tea at botanical gardens. anyone tried???
i like the fixed set high teas particularly coz i'm not a buffet person.
1)i dislike the "too stuffed" after buffet feeling. i dun like to overeat.
2)i dislike buffet crowds. so noisy.
3)i like my food in a nice presentation. Buffet food is always messed up by incosiderate diners, especially at the sashimi counters.
4)i prefer food served fresh and piping hot and presented beautifully on my plate.
5) i dun like to queue for food. i prefer food to be served to me.
there are days when i feel like buffet-ing. but that's extremely rare. haha.
I've been wanting to try the three-tiered halia high tea at botanical gardens. anyone tried???
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
rent toys
for those who wonder where i rented the water park banzai, here's where i got it from:
quite cool website with lotsa cool toys. i may juz rent the jumping castle for the kids the next time round.
quite cool website with lotsa cool toys. i may juz rent the jumping castle for the kids the next time round.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
colour my world
here's a website to download beautiful colouring pics for ur kids!
hey, they have care bears, strawberry shortcakes, my little pony n precious moments pics! so so pretty....
i am SOO tempted to print some out n use them for art & craft projects. Ok. when i am more free or when little Kielli is less fussy& clingy!
hey, they have care bears, strawberry shortcakes, my little pony n precious moments pics! so so pretty....
i am SOO tempted to print some out n use them for art & craft projects. Ok. when i am more free or when little Kielli is less fussy& clingy!
splish splash !!

Kielli luvs water n i wanna let her play some water!!!
So, we're doing a splash party at fang's place tis sat. Here's wat i rented for the little kids to play: Water Park Banzai!!
It's actually a very small affair, with the Ngs, SOhs, Kims & LEongs, with our main objective being to keep in touch with Karen and celebrate her birthdae!
Then, guess wat happened:
fang: ur gal the onli gal leh...
Daph: ok, we'll get Candy & Aloysious to come!!
fang; i asked Lena since she had a boy
daph: Oh...me asked Janice to come too!!
And so, the party expanded...
AND I realised, the pool is too small for all kids..
And then, Adrian suggested he'll bring some games...
So now, we have a games cum splash party.. :)
maybe...i'll invite my cousin n her boy too!!! haha...
Friday, October 9, 2009
art & craft day.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
little snail crawling adventures,
Little snail fell off the bed yesterdae. My deduction: She woke up from her sleep, crept n crawled over the bolsters around her, over the bed ledge. Before we knew it, my sis-in-law heard a thump. And we found her on the floor.
Up to todae, no one knew how she fell off the bed. Onli Kielli & God knows. The litle snail cried for less than 5 mins and was then up to her normal self. When we brought her to KK, she was still smiling at the nurses. Well, She was way toooooo normal despite the fall. But I was HORRIFIED. Trust me. I got a horrible fright. It took me some time b4 i got over the shock. Perhaps, it;s the first kid syndrome. I was juz in SHOCK.
This gal is way too hyperactive, too fast, too adventurous. It's onli her 2nd day of crawling n she kinda had crawled over all the pillows & bolsters on the bed.
To think back,since she was young, Terence had been laying obstacles all over our bed and training her to crawl all over. He allowed her to crawl OVER the bolsters, pillows, over his body, his chest, his shoulders, his face, his feet, arms, and everything else on his body. He would put one pillow, then one bolster after it. And then stack up 2 pillows n let his dear daughter crawl over it. Or 2 pillows, then 1 bolsters. Anwyay, watever permutations he can think of, he will "train" her to crawl. i wonder if it's a daddy thingy to strategise such crawling program .His rationale: to train her to be more tough. Not him alone. I am guilty of that too. But i do it more for pure fun. Coz it's way too fun to have a little teeny weeny living thing with lotsa funnie expressions crawling all over u. i can't resist it. Perhaps, tat's why little Kielli crawled over the bolsters n off the bed.
Anyway, TEr & i thank God for protecting little Kielli. Apparently, the little gal did not cry when she's on the floor. She onli started crying when we picked her up.
It dawned upon me that God has been protecting tis little gal that she suffered no major injury when she fell off the bed. God is truly good!! Brings me back to the past when little Kielli was inside my womb, measuring barely 2cm with a 8cm cyst behind her. And God took away the 8cm cyst and protected tis little one. I was telling Ter that perhaps as Kielli fell off the bed, some nice angels carried her. That's why she was perfectly fine. :) Watever it is, i we know that that God has divinely protected Kielli from the fall. ANd we thank God for His protection on tis little gal.
Tis beautiful little gal is truly made by God and for God. ANd i know God loves her. SO perhaps, it's truly time to let go and give her to God. I can't possibly be there for her 24 hrs a day.With her playful & adventurous nature, i know that there will be more accidents to come in the future. But i can trust that wheerevr tis little gal is, God is with her.
AS i watch little Kielli with her hyper-active character, i wonder wat God has in store for her in the future and who she will be when she grows up. Well, i never will know the future. But my desire: As God has uniquely made her with her unique character, strengths and weaknesses, may she grow up to be who God wants her to be and see the world thru God's eyes.
At the speed that Kielli travels, i am definetely going to lose more weight. YIPEE!!
Up to todae, no one knew how she fell off the bed. Onli Kielli & God knows. The litle snail cried for less than 5 mins and was then up to her normal self. When we brought her to KK, she was still smiling at the nurses. Well, She was way toooooo normal despite the fall. But I was HORRIFIED. Trust me. I got a horrible fright. It took me some time b4 i got over the shock. Perhaps, it;s the first kid syndrome. I was juz in SHOCK.
This gal is way too hyperactive, too fast, too adventurous. It's onli her 2nd day of crawling n she kinda had crawled over all the pillows & bolsters on the bed.
To think back,since she was young, Terence had been laying obstacles all over our bed and training her to crawl all over. He allowed her to crawl OVER the bolsters, pillows, over his body, his chest, his shoulders, his face, his feet, arms, and everything else on his body. He would put one pillow, then one bolster after it. And then stack up 2 pillows n let his dear daughter crawl over it. Or 2 pillows, then 1 bolsters. Anwyay, watever permutations he can think of, he will "train" her to crawl. i wonder if it's a daddy thingy to strategise such crawling program .His rationale: to train her to be more tough. Not him alone. I am guilty of that too. But i do it more for pure fun. Coz it's way too fun to have a little teeny weeny living thing with lotsa funnie expressions crawling all over u. i can't resist it. Perhaps, tat's why little Kielli crawled over the bolsters n off the bed.
Anyway, TEr & i thank God for protecting little Kielli. Apparently, the little gal did not cry when she's on the floor. She onli started crying when we picked her up.
It dawned upon me that God has been protecting tis little gal that she suffered no major injury when she fell off the bed. God is truly good!! Brings me back to the past when little Kielli was inside my womb, measuring barely 2cm with a 8cm cyst behind her. And God took away the 8cm cyst and protected tis little one. I was telling Ter that perhaps as Kielli fell off the bed, some nice angels carried her. That's why she was perfectly fine. :) Watever it is, i we know that that God has divinely protected Kielli from the fall. ANd we thank God for His protection on tis little gal.
Tis beautiful little gal is truly made by God and for God. ANd i know God loves her. SO perhaps, it's truly time to let go and give her to God. I can't possibly be there for her 24 hrs a day.With her playful & adventurous nature, i know that there will be more accidents to come in the future. But i can trust that wheerevr tis little gal is, God is with her.
AS i watch little Kielli with her hyper-active character, i wonder wat God has in store for her in the future and who she will be when she grows up. Well, i never will know the future. But my desire: As God has uniquely made her with her unique character, strengths and weaknesses, may she grow up to be who God wants her to be and see the world thru God's eyes.
At the speed that Kielli travels, i am definetely going to lose more weight. YIPEE!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
our little snail Ki-Elli
Our little Elli snail made her first crawl todae!! And she is So fast!!!
She is sooo cute!! :)
i MUST have a second kid!!!!!!! weeeeeeeeee.........
She is sooo cute!! :)
i MUST have a second kid!!!!!!! weeeeeeeeee.........
Monday, September 7, 2009
my hibiscus opus union square
Here's my super early birthdae gift from Ter! or izzit our 10th yr dating anniversary present?? Well, we haven't decided wats the occasion for it. Coz there was no particular recent occasion to justify such a splurge. Well, the onli justification for MR thrifty bruddy who survives very well on $3 chicken rice for mths, guess it's his luv for his beautiful wifey...and that's ME of course!!
But then, who needs an occasion to pamper his wifey who wakes up at funny hrs at nite to pacify his daughter??? :) Anyway, most importantly, its from Ter and it feels good to be pampered by ur hubby. After all, like any woman, i need the tender loving care of a man!!! i need a man's touch!!! haha ..Who cares about women's independence, financial freedom, woman's rights or " i dun need a man thingy" when ur hubby decides to pamper u!! I'll juz be a "little woman" when it comes to pressies....NOT for other issues!!! haha...
Anyway, it's been a bag spree last Sat. As Lign is due for delivery in 3 days times, i helped preggie Ligin get her ST Noel Small Vanessa Leather Bag with her instructions of 3 criteria: Black, leather and long strap. And she loved it!! :)
My MIL has been so sweet to us by taking care of dear Kielli whenever we are out for dates with frens and choir practices. She arranges for her sister to drive me to john little sale, feeds Kielli while i try on my clothes and shop, prepares breakfast for ter, takes care of Kielli and let me sleep till 10am on sat. She loves us so much. Indeed, tat's a mother's love.
We decided to pamper her and got her a Sembonia bag during the TAngs sale! Her smile said it all when she got the bag. And, my heart was warmed. It makes our day when we see mum happy! She's been so much happier since we shifted in with my inlaws with Kielli. My in-laws house is surely not as roomy as our own 5-room flat with own privacy, but i guess, it reallie makes mum happie to have her son n granddaughter around. And to us, her welfare is certainly important. I miss my house. But then, in life, i guess we juz have to give n take. We can't have the best of both worlds.
I hope one day, when Kielli grows up, she too will honor and love me with all her heart!! :) ANd pamper me too!!! haha...
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Ordered some clothes from US Baby Gap and Old NAvy from some overseas sprees. And, i finally got the goods todae! Paid onli S$8 for shipping costs. Not too bad. I was expecting to pay more.
It was the first time i ordered clothes online for her and i was quite pleased that the clothes were particularly of very good quality, even the old navy dress. I was tinking that online shopping can be quite deceiving and wat u see is not wat u get.Well, with all the photo editing, quality of clothes look perfect, don't they? However, after tis first buy, I'm quite convinced of the quality of clothes from Baby Gap/Old Navy. It's so so much cheaper to buy direct from US, then to buy from Mothercare/kiddy palace etc....KIDS clothes in S'pore are certainly overpriced!!! Conclusion: When she starts walking, i will stock up on more dresses from tis website. http://www.gap.com/
Alright, i'm done with Kielli's shopping:
1) CLothes
2) Toys
3) Books
ALl stock is in. And no more shopping for the next 6 mths. Stock expected to last for next 6 mths by my forecast.
I feel a sense of accomplishment as i finish my shopping tasks. NOW, i can FINALLY tidy my room since all STOCK is in!!
Got a new shelf from IKEA and i'm all set to pack the stuff. I wonder if i can fix the shelf on my own without TErence. i've never used any hammer/nails stuff and i tot it will be fun to play with it. haha...
The other time, Ter was not free and i fixed Kielli's high baby chair and some funny boxes from Ikea all by myself. It's amazing wat a woman can do when the man is not around. I'm not good with fixing stuff. But, it's so fun lo to play around with the diff parts and see the finished products. OK. First, let me ask TEr to teach me how to use the hammer and nails.

It was the first time i ordered clothes online for her and i was quite pleased that the clothes were particularly of very good quality, even the old navy dress. I was tinking that online shopping can be quite deceiving and wat u see is not wat u get.Well, with all the photo editing, quality of clothes look perfect, don't they? However, after tis first buy, I'm quite convinced of the quality of clothes from Baby Gap/Old Navy. It's so so much cheaper to buy direct from US, then to buy from Mothercare/kiddy palace etc....KIDS clothes in S'pore are certainly overpriced!!! Conclusion: When she starts walking, i will stock up on more dresses from tis website. http://www.gap.com/
Alright, i'm done with Kielli's shopping:
1) CLothes
2) Toys
3) Books
ALl stock is in. And no more shopping for the next 6 mths. Stock expected to last for next 6 mths by my forecast.
I feel a sense of accomplishment as i finish my shopping tasks. NOW, i can FINALLY tidy my room since all STOCK is in!!
Got a new shelf from IKEA and i'm all set to pack the stuff. I wonder if i can fix the shelf on my own without TErence. i've never used any hammer/nails stuff and i tot it will be fun to play with it. haha...
The other time, Ter was not free and i fixed Kielli's high baby chair and some funny boxes from Ikea all by myself. It's amazing wat a woman can do when the man is not around. I'm not good with fixing stuff. But, it's so fun lo to play around with the diff parts and see the finished products. OK. First, let me ask TEr to teach me how to use the hammer and nails.

Friday, August 28, 2009
Expo Day!
Went Expo - John Little Sale with Fang.
Expo is a good place to stock up on toys!!
Here's missy Kielli with her new toys! There's too many toys to choose from and i was reminded constantly to get diff variety of toys for good exposure, rather than similar stuff!
Here's wat i ended up ultimately:
1) A Galloping Horse with 4 diff rattle legs and makes silly noises when u press the saddle.
2) Bowling Set n balls.
3) Shape Sorting Simon Snail which little Kielli can tug along as her little pet.
4) ABC Interactive Learning Set.
My MIL and Ter's aunt picked me up at the Expo and they ended up shopping too! Haha. SHopping is contagious. Oh NO!!! But then, doesn't SIngapore economy need people like USS??
There were billions n dozens of beauty brands there. But wat caught my eye was the AHAVA - dead sea laboratories products from ISrael. http://www.ahava.com.sg
My sis-in-law introed me to AHAVA earlier on < she's a AHAVA fan!> n i am currently using its makeup remover. OOOoo i like the smell. I was soo sooo tempted to get the AHAVA Body Mineral Botanic Line-the body wash and body exfoliator. Well, i remembered that i still had lotsa Body shop polish n stopped myself from getting anything unnecessary!! And i'm so proud of myself!! Oh well, i SHALL surely get the following once i need my next body stuff stock up!!
VELVET CREAM WASH (http://www.ahava.com.sg/product.php?productid=16250&cat=264)
Hibicus & Fig
500 ml e 17 fl.oz
Your skin is for life - protect it well. Ahava Mineral Botanic is a body wash free of SLS (harsh detergent), prepared with healthy Dead Sea minerals, Macadamia oil and organic plant extracts. That is why its foam is different and more velvety than regular soaps. Work with a sponge for richer lather and let the delicious blend of Hibiscus & Fig protect your skin with their antibacterial, nourishing and softening properties. Love your skin.
Ultimately. i couln't resist and finally bought sometin reallie nice for miss Tania for her birthdae! Watch out for ur small birthdae gift, gal!!
And guess wat, my MIL ended up with 4 AHAVA hand creams and Ter's aunt ended up with the AHAVA face collection. ANd we r now members of AHAVA,. My SIL in canada now! Oh well, if SHE is with us, i wonder how much more we'll burn our pockets!! Ok! SO the LEONGS r now officially the AHAVA fans!! haha..:)
Hey, here's Kielli with her new toys and Yellow Bumbo we got from the ISetan Sale last wk. http://www.babyearth.com/bumbo-baby-seat.html
We've been spending so much $$$ on Kielli. OH NO!! HELp!!

Expo is a good place to stock up on toys!!
Here's missy Kielli with her new toys! There's too many toys to choose from and i was reminded constantly to get diff variety of toys for good exposure, rather than similar stuff!
Here's wat i ended up ultimately:
1) A Galloping Horse with 4 diff rattle legs and makes silly noises when u press the saddle.
2) Bowling Set n balls.
3) Shape Sorting Simon Snail which little Kielli can tug along as her little pet.
4) ABC Interactive Learning Set.
My MIL and Ter's aunt picked me up at the Expo and they ended up shopping too! Haha. SHopping is contagious. Oh NO!!! But then, doesn't SIngapore economy need people like USS??
There were billions n dozens of beauty brands there. But wat caught my eye was the AHAVA - dead sea laboratories products from ISrael. http://www.ahava.com.sg
My sis-in-law introed me to AHAVA earlier on < she's a AHAVA fan!> n i am currently using its makeup remover. OOOoo i like the smell. I was soo sooo tempted to get the AHAVA Body Mineral Botanic Line-the body wash and body exfoliator. Well, i remembered that i still had lotsa Body shop polish n stopped myself from getting anything unnecessary!! And i'm so proud of myself!! Oh well, i SHALL surely get the following once i need my next body stuff stock up!!
VELVET CREAM WASH (http://www.ahava.com.sg/product.php?productid=16250&cat=264)
Hibicus & Fig
500 ml e 17 fl.oz
Your skin is for life - protect it well. Ahava Mineral Botanic is a body wash free of SLS (harsh detergent), prepared with healthy Dead Sea minerals, Macadamia oil and organic plant extracts. That is why its foam is different and more velvety than regular soaps. Work with a sponge for richer lather and let the delicious blend of Hibiscus & Fig protect your skin with their antibacterial, nourishing and softening properties. Love your skin.
Ultimately. i couln't resist and finally bought sometin reallie nice for miss Tania for her birthdae! Watch out for ur small birthdae gift, gal!!
And guess wat, my MIL ended up with 4 AHAVA hand creams and Ter's aunt ended up with the AHAVA face collection. ANd we r now members of AHAVA,. My SIL in canada now! Oh well, if SHE is with us, i wonder how much more we'll burn our pockets!! Ok! SO the LEONGS r now officially the AHAVA fans!! haha..:)
Hey, here's Kielli with her new toys and Yellow Bumbo we got from the ISetan Sale last wk. http://www.babyearth.com/bumbo-baby-seat.html
We've been spending so much $$$ on Kielli. OH NO!! HELp!!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Book Spree

Having gone to the NLB Used Book sale with loot for Kielli, i've been on a book spree recently!!
I've joined some overseas book spree and here's wat i got for Kielli:
1) Dr Seuss Collection Set ( 20 books)
Titles in set:
* The Cat in the Hat
* One Fish, Two Fish, Red Fish
* Oh, The Places You'll Go!
* The Sneetches and Other Stories
* Dr Seuss on the Loose
* Green Eggs and Ham
* Scrambled Eggs Super!
* The Cat in the Hat Comes Back
* Hunches in Bunches
* Fox In Socks
* If I Ran the Zoo
* I Had Trouble in Getting to Solla Sollew
* If I Ran the Circus
* And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street
* Hop on Pop
* Mr Brown Can Moo! Can You?
* Horton Hears a Who!
* Dr Seuss' Sleep Book
* How The Grinch Stole Christmas
2) Usborne Phonics Readers Collection Set (12 books)
Titles in set :
Ted's shed
Toad makes a road
Shark in the park
Big pig on a dig
Goose on the loose
Mouse moves house
Sam sheep can't sleep
Fat cat on a mat
Fox on a box
Hen's Pens
Ted in a red bed
Frog on a log
With the shipping cost n everything, each book costs me less than 5 bucks. Reallie good bargain. I'm a book lover and i love book sets!! :)So preettie!!
For book lovers, check out these website:
Enough of book spree for now. Think i will stock up again when little miss chatterbox Kielli reaches one yr!!
I've passed lotsa clothes n baby stuff to all the soon-to-be mothers in church. So there's much more space now in my room!! Think i should have space for books!!
After shifting from a 5-room to a 1-room, our motto ( Ter and I) for the yr is
1) If we don't need it, we don't buy it. ( Frees up space!)
2) If we don't use it in 3 mths, it's time to THROW it. ( Frees up More space!)
That reallie saves us lotsa $$ when we don't buy unnecessary stuff!! TEr and i luv to THROW THINGS away. So, if u gotta lotsa stuff in ur place and need someone to motivate u to throw them, GET US!!! haha.
so sweet.
Ter: darling, do u wanna go botanical gardens?
Me: huh?? wat's there?? < first time in our 9 yrs he initiated an outing. 90% of time, i'm the one who initiated, planned, executed. His favourite phrase: it's not the place, it's the people>
Ter: there's some symphony orchestra playing there in sept.
Me: i tot u prefer to laze around at home on sun n do nothing. < while my favourite sun is to shop all day till the last shops close>
Ter: been working late. Haven't been spending time with u recently. So tot we can go out!!
Me: < smile > OF COURSE! deal! let's go!! < in my mind: ok, i married the right man!!!haha>
He's reallie a sweet guy! :)
And, hey, found tis link on my fren's blog. SUPER CUTE! check it out!!
Ter: there's some symphony orchestra playing there in sept.
Me: i tot u prefer to laze around at home on sun n do nothing. < while my favourite sun is to shop all day till the last shops close>
Ter: been working late. Haven't been spending time with u recently. So tot we can go out!!
Me: < smile > OF COURSE! deal! let's go!! < in my mind: ok, i married the right man!!!haha>
He's reallie a sweet guy! :)
And, hey, found tis link on my fren's blog. SUPER CUTE! check it out!!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
stuff this week!
I have been packing n stock-taking Kielli's stuff tis week. To clear away the old n get stock list for new stuff. Ligin's little gal arriving soon..so hey, i managed to pack Kielli's mittens for her. Look professional ??:) To make space for new clothes, i gotta clear up all the old ones she can't fit in. Oh boy, Kielli is growing so fast tat she outgrows her clothes sooo fast. Haha...but tis certainly does not stop me from buying her some new stuff! the thingy about a baby gal is that u have fun dressing her up!! :)And i'm enjoying it!
Ok. so i got my shopping list and off we went to JB. AT JB, we never fail to stopover at City Square coz we got our car polishing package there. So Ter is happie. He got a polished car that looks almost brand new now! And at City Square, there's popular and MPH and i get to stock up on books for Kielli. However, i was preetie disappointed with the book spread in JB Popular. Onli gotta 4 books in the end. SIngapore Popular certainly offers much much more kiddo books.
Yap. so we shopped a little at city square b4 my father-in-law arrived back from his golf game at 2pm. Then proceeded on to 2 other malls since my fil surely knows the way much much better than my hubby. Well, most of the shopping loot belongs to missy Kielli who knows nothing about shoppping . haha..But apparently, i was very pleased buying the stuff for her. There weren't many nice dreesses, so i ended up buying some denim stuff for her. And there's the Baby Gap/ Old Navy apple n pooddle doggie tights i could not resist buying for her. So cute! And the preetie little sphagetti n polo dress for her. SO i got her some toys too!!
Hope she likes her new toys.
70% of the stuff we bought are all for Kielli. i bought the remaining 25% and Ter the last 5% . Got a Mango wallet and new bag from Fabiano Ricco. Seriously, i like this stuff from tis shop Fabiano Ricco. i've never heard of tis brand in my entire life. i tink it's some local malaysian! if u r there, must surely visit tis store!! i can easily get a few pairs of shoes and bags from tis store. their stuff looks classy and sells losta variety of shoes! if i am there again, tis wil surely b the first store i'll visit.
Robinsons Singapore has their regular 20% off sale. So we popped by to get the baby toiletries. trust me. baby toiletries are not cheap! Her 200ml mustela shampoo costs me 15bucks and Sebamed massage oil 17 bucks. Ok. that's like more ex than my Body shop toiletries. Oh well, she's juz a baby. And how long can one be a baby??:)

Ok. so i got my shopping list and off we went to JB. AT JB, we never fail to stopover at City Square coz we got our car polishing package there. So Ter is happie. He got a polished car that looks almost brand new now! And at City Square, there's popular and MPH and i get to stock up on books for Kielli. However, i was preetie disappointed with the book spread in JB Popular. Onli gotta 4 books in the end. SIngapore Popular certainly offers much much more kiddo books.
Yap. so we shopped a little at city square b4 my father-in-law arrived back from his golf game at 2pm. Then proceeded on to 2 other malls since my fil surely knows the way much much better than my hubby. Well, most of the shopping loot belongs to missy Kielli who knows nothing about shoppping . haha..But apparently, i was very pleased buying the stuff for her. There weren't many nice dreesses, so i ended up buying some denim stuff for her. And there's the Baby Gap/ Old Navy apple n pooddle doggie tights i could not resist buying for her. So cute! And the preetie little sphagetti n polo dress for her. SO i got her some toys too!!
Hope she likes her new toys.
70% of the stuff we bought are all for Kielli. i bought the remaining 25% and Ter the last 5% . Got a Mango wallet and new bag from Fabiano Ricco. Seriously, i like this stuff from tis shop Fabiano Ricco. i've never heard of tis brand in my entire life. i tink it's some local malaysian! if u r there, must surely visit tis store!! i can easily get a few pairs of shoes and bags from tis store. their stuff looks classy and sells losta variety of shoes! if i am there again, tis wil surely b the first store i'll visit.
Robinsons Singapore has their regular 20% off sale. So we popped by to get the baby toiletries. trust me. baby toiletries are not cheap! Her 200ml mustela shampoo costs me 15bucks and Sebamed massage oil 17 bucks. Ok. that's like more ex than my Body shop toiletries. Oh well, she's juz a baby. And how long can one be a baby??:)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
wat i have been doing..
Being a mummy who does nothing all day with a primary role being to entertain and play with missy kielli, i seriously dun use much of my brain. i realise that i've become a little less alert, more forgetful and alas more blur. Ok, that's not a good thingy. Trust me.
Well, goodbye to office politics, work stress, deadlines, two-masked colleagues. Many simply say " hey, isn't tat wonderful??" oh well oh well, my life is simply quite relaxing and i am enjoying every bit of it. But, sometimes, it is tooooo relaxing tat i tot it;s kinda boring and i kinda miss the challenges at work and all the socialising. I luv to socialise and i get so bored that i talk to kielli about everything under the sun!! whahaha...:) about her bathtub, her rubber ducky, her toys, her daddy, God, mummies' shoes, bags, dinner, lunch, TV, everything...u reallie will be amazed how much a bored mummy talk to her kiddo. There was tis time i was so bored...tat i took out the 3 island shop necklances i juz bought, wore it and squeal loudly to kielli " prettie??? u like mummy's necklance??"
Sometimes, i get so bored. i start making funny noises at her and make funny faces. I've read books that imitation is a part of learning, so i'm like trying to make funny faces at her and see how many faces she can imitate. Well, at tis point, the onli thingy the little gal successfully imitate me is to stick out her tongue...haha....quite fun actually. :)
well, to prevent myself from bordom, i have been reading n reading in reading. U can't believe it. I haven't been spending on other stuff. But i have indeed spent quite an amt on parenting books tat i refuse to simply remember how much it costs me. My favourite time of the day is actually from 3-6pm when Kielli takes her nap and all is peaceful. I'll have the air-con, play my favourite disc, have ice-cold milk tea with some mints or my favourite ice-cream, snuggle under my quilt and read. Ok. i am a lazy bum. I luv to read. And i luv to read in bed. :) I haven't had time to read while working, so bascially, i particularly enjoy the free time i have now to simply read n read.
Been learning much thru reading. And sometimes, when i am in the moood, to exercise my brain, i kinda juz draw some mind maps to help me remember wat i read.
Ok. One fine day, i shall juz list down the parenting books i have been reading Would be useful for parents looking for resources.
till we meet..
Well, goodbye to office politics, work stress, deadlines, two-masked colleagues. Many simply say " hey, isn't tat wonderful??" oh well oh well, my life is simply quite relaxing and i am enjoying every bit of it. But, sometimes, it is tooooo relaxing tat i tot it;s kinda boring and i kinda miss the challenges at work and all the socialising. I luv to socialise and i get so bored that i talk to kielli about everything under the sun!! whahaha...:) about her bathtub, her rubber ducky, her toys, her daddy, God, mummies' shoes, bags, dinner, lunch, TV, everything...u reallie will be amazed how much a bored mummy talk to her kiddo. There was tis time i was so bored...tat i took out the 3 island shop necklances i juz bought, wore it and squeal loudly to kielli " prettie??? u like mummy's necklance??"
Sometimes, i get so bored. i start making funny noises at her and make funny faces. I've read books that imitation is a part of learning, so i'm like trying to make funny faces at her and see how many faces she can imitate. Well, at tis point, the onli thingy the little gal successfully imitate me is to stick out her tongue...haha....quite fun actually. :)
well, to prevent myself from bordom, i have been reading n reading in reading. U can't believe it. I haven't been spending on other stuff. But i have indeed spent quite an amt on parenting books tat i refuse to simply remember how much it costs me. My favourite time of the day is actually from 3-6pm when Kielli takes her nap and all is peaceful. I'll have the air-con, play my favourite disc, have ice-cold milk tea with some mints or my favourite ice-cream, snuggle under my quilt and read. Ok. i am a lazy bum. I luv to read. And i luv to read in bed. :) I haven't had time to read while working, so bascially, i particularly enjoy the free time i have now to simply read n read.
Been learning much thru reading. And sometimes, when i am in the moood, to exercise my brain, i kinda juz draw some mind maps to help me remember wat i read.
Ok. One fine day, i shall juz list down the parenting books i have been reading Would be useful for parents looking for resources.
till we meet..
wats up??
My ntu roomie commented tat it's time for me to update my blog. Haha...ok. i am seriously behind time and a super ultra delayed blogger. ANd with little kielli with little attention span, blogging and facebook time gotta be FAST, Short, efficient.
Alright, the little gal is happily in her pram, entertained with her little butterfly and brighty mr sun. So b4 she squeals for attention, i shall attempt to finish/ summarise tis entry in 5 mins while having my porridge lunchy at the same time.
Many frens been asking how motherhood is for me. 2 words to describe: joyfully tiring!! haha..Tiring with little sleep n focccussed attention on her. Yet, so joyful whenever i see her. It's a warm feeling juz carrying her in my arms, feeding her , playing with her, reading to her, singing to her. And despite the minimal sleep i have, oH NOOO...i am convinced that i wanna ONE more kid!! haha...:) i can't resist the temptation to have one more little plaything who squeals at u when u play with her, flips and rolls over ur bed , plays with ur necklance when u feed her and glares at u when u talk to her as though u r her entire world!!
SImply too fun. Serious. MAny tink of motherhood as tiring. Indeed it is. But i seek more to enjoy the process of parenting and see it as FUN rather than tiring. It's a joy tat she brings to me. ANd it's gotta be even more fun with one more kidddo to play with.
Anyway, thank God, over the last 2 wks, i have successfully trained Kielli to stick to a routine with time-scheduled feeding. I have read many many books, talked to many many mummies, reviewed books and other mum's templates, spent 1 wk oberserving the bio clock of my gal and after many many many editings , hey.....here's my customized routine template, customized to Missy kielli's sleeping & feeding bioclock:
7.30am wakeup/milk/play
9.30am Milk/ 2 hrs morning nap (mummy checks emil, facebook, others)
12noon milk/ play
2.oopm bath
2.30pm play
3.00pm milk/3 hr power nap ( mummy reads n sleeps)
6.00pm milk/play
9.00pm cleanup/milk
9.30pm bedtime
many books commented tat routine is essential for kids as it gives them security over wat is expected to happen per day. guess to me, most importantly, it allows me to have predictable free time during her 2 predictable naps. and plan my day more effectively.
so basically shopping time for me is
12-3pm after her morning nap.
6-9pm after her noon nap.
and hey, if u wanna call me n have a 2hr power chat over msn, facebook or phone, do so from
10-12pm or 3-6pm when kielli having her naps.
ok. catch up more...the gal is squealing...:)
Alright, the little gal is happily in her pram, entertained with her little butterfly and brighty mr sun. So b4 she squeals for attention, i shall attempt to finish/ summarise tis entry in 5 mins while having my porridge lunchy at the same time.
Many frens been asking how motherhood is for me. 2 words to describe: joyfully tiring!! haha..Tiring with little sleep n focccussed attention on her. Yet, so joyful whenever i see her. It's a warm feeling juz carrying her in my arms, feeding her , playing with her, reading to her, singing to her. And despite the minimal sleep i have, oH NOOO...i am convinced that i wanna ONE more kid!! haha...:) i can't resist the temptation to have one more little plaything who squeals at u when u play with her, flips and rolls over ur bed , plays with ur necklance when u feed her and glares at u when u talk to her as though u r her entire world!!
SImply too fun. Serious. MAny tink of motherhood as tiring. Indeed it is. But i seek more to enjoy the process of parenting and see it as FUN rather than tiring. It's a joy tat she brings to me. ANd it's gotta be even more fun with one more kidddo to play with.
Anyway, thank God, over the last 2 wks, i have successfully trained Kielli to stick to a routine with time-scheduled feeding. I have read many many books, talked to many many mummies, reviewed books and other mum's templates, spent 1 wk oberserving the bio clock of my gal and after many many many editings , hey.....here's my customized routine template, customized to Missy kielli's sleeping & feeding bioclock:
7.30am wakeup/milk/play
9.30am Milk/ 2 hrs morning nap (mummy checks emil, facebook, others)
12noon milk/ play
2.oopm bath
2.30pm play
3.00pm milk/3 hr power nap ( mummy reads n sleeps)
6.00pm milk/play
9.00pm cleanup/milk
9.30pm bedtime
many books commented tat routine is essential for kids as it gives them security over wat is expected to happen per day. guess to me, most importantly, it allows me to have predictable free time during her 2 predictable naps. and plan my day more effectively.
so basically shopping time for me is
12-3pm after her morning nap.
6-9pm after her noon nap.
and hey, if u wanna call me n have a 2hr power chat over msn, facebook or phone, do so from
10-12pm or 3-6pm when kielli having her naps.
ok. catch up more...the gal is squealing...:)
Friday, May 29, 2009
back again!!
harloz..i'm back again!!
Life been prettie bz with little Kielli around. But thank God, i am kinda more or less adjusted to life with the little gal. Thank God for the energy. Coz it certainly requires lotsa energy to enertain Kielli. Coz she's super hyper active and requires lotsa attention. She's kinda easily distracted too, even when she feeds. And she luvs the Shopping malls coz there's so many new things to see. U can reallie see her LOOK around n exploring the world when we bring her out. Ter proclaimed that she is a little like me. A little playful, easily distracted, luvs the aircon and see new stuff!!
With this little one, we've been training her a little each day. Coz we didn't want her to be too weak. We kinda believe in exposing her to a little virus a little at a time, so that she grows strongly and makes life easier for us if she does not fall sick easily. Also, on the other hand, with Ter & my lifestyle, ( we luv to play) this little gal juz gotta get used to our lifestyle of going out and be exposed to the germs out of the house. It will make our life much much easier if she adapts easily to climate and environmental changes.
As part of her training and " exposure to germs" program, we've brought her to Tangs at Orchard, Tampines 1, picnic at Botanical Gardens, food courts, church etc...And it's a success!! Thank God she's quite strong n did not fall sick on these excursions.
We'll be bringing her to KL for our annual church camp for a week in June. My mil is kinda concerned about us bringing hardly 3-mth old Kielli to KL. But we know that God luves her and trust that God will protect her from all the strange virus in Malaysia. Well, for little Kielli to survive her first June camp, she needs to
1) Endure the loong hrs of air-con during the 5day seminar n hotel nites.
2) Adapt to sleeping in her pram. ( so that mummy need not carry her during the seminar)
3) Fight the germs in Malaysia
4) Sleep thru the night. ( so that muumy & daddy can have good rest during the camp)
5) Survive on breastfeeding with onli one formula milk at nite. ( mummy don't trust the water in Malaysia)
Thus, in view of these goals to help Kielli survive her camp, we have been dumping her in air-con rooms to help her get used to the cold. ANd putting her in her pram whenever we can when we go out and cutting down her reliance on mummy carrying her. The little gal was on partial breastfeed one mth ago. But thank God, i have successfully removed all her formula milk feed in the day time and she survives quite well with one formula milk feed at nite now. WELL, I still have 2 more weeks to work on even removing her formula milk at nite and to go into total breastfeed. I'm reallie working on this. With total breastfeed, we will then have no fear that the water in Malaysia is not clean etc...
Little elli is growing so fast!! She's a blessing to us! And we thank God for her.Being a mother has not been easy with little sleep. But it has certainly been so fruitful and fulfilling. And i'm enjoying every bit of it!! :) I've been reading so much on spiritual parenting and it is indeed a challenge to be able to bring up tis gal in the ways of the Lord. As i read, the Lord has truly blessed my heart and challenged me in many areas of my life. I've been reading on Growing up God's way and it's a good book!! thanks for the book sister chiao chyi.!!!Be it to teach her gratefulness, forgiveness, reverence for God, truthfulness, contentment etc, God has indeed challenged me as her mummy to look within my own heart too and be a mummy whose life speaks wat she teaches.
There are so much stuff to teach and so many attributes that u wanna ur kid to inherit. But, as i read on, there are a few attributes i wanna spend more time on:
1) Gratefulness ( That she will have a thankful heart to God for all things she has)
2) Truthfulness ( That she will be true to God's word and ways and seek righteousness)
3) Forgiveness ( That she will learn to forgive abd be forgiven and be able to go on in life, being free from any burden of unforgiveness)
4) Contenment ( That she will be happy and content with the life God has blessed her with and not envy and covet the materials/possessions of another)
5 Identity in Christ ( That she be convicted that she is created by God, for God and is very special and beautiful for God has made her most beautiful in His sight,
I have been reviewing these attributes on myself as i seek how to teach this to Kielli. Indeed, may the Lord change my heart and create in me a pure heart and give me wisdom that i can teach her these attributes to the best of my ability.
Life been prettie bz with little Kielli around. But thank God, i am kinda more or less adjusted to life with the little gal. Thank God for the energy. Coz it certainly requires lotsa energy to enertain Kielli. Coz she's super hyper active and requires lotsa attention. She's kinda easily distracted too, even when she feeds. And she luvs the Shopping malls coz there's so many new things to see. U can reallie see her LOOK around n exploring the world when we bring her out. Ter proclaimed that she is a little like me. A little playful, easily distracted, luvs the aircon and see new stuff!!
With this little one, we've been training her a little each day. Coz we didn't want her to be too weak. We kinda believe in exposing her to a little virus a little at a time, so that she grows strongly and makes life easier for us if she does not fall sick easily. Also, on the other hand, with Ter & my lifestyle, ( we luv to play) this little gal juz gotta get used to our lifestyle of going out and be exposed to the germs out of the house. It will make our life much much easier if she adapts easily to climate and environmental changes.
As part of her training and " exposure to germs" program, we've brought her to Tangs at Orchard, Tampines 1, picnic at Botanical Gardens, food courts, church etc...And it's a success!! Thank God she's quite strong n did not fall sick on these excursions.
We'll be bringing her to KL for our annual church camp for a week in June. My mil is kinda concerned about us bringing hardly 3-mth old Kielli to KL. But we know that God luves her and trust that God will protect her from all the strange virus in Malaysia. Well, for little Kielli to survive her first June camp, she needs to
1) Endure the loong hrs of air-con during the 5day seminar n hotel nites.
2) Adapt to sleeping in her pram. ( so that mummy need not carry her during the seminar)
3) Fight the germs in Malaysia
4) Sleep thru the night. ( so that muumy & daddy can have good rest during the camp)
5) Survive on breastfeeding with onli one formula milk at nite. ( mummy don't trust the water in Malaysia)
Thus, in view of these goals to help Kielli survive her camp, we have been dumping her in air-con rooms to help her get used to the cold. ANd putting her in her pram whenever we can when we go out and cutting down her reliance on mummy carrying her. The little gal was on partial breastfeed one mth ago. But thank God, i have successfully removed all her formula milk feed in the day time and she survives quite well with one formula milk feed at nite now. WELL, I still have 2 more weeks to work on even removing her formula milk at nite and to go into total breastfeed. I'm reallie working on this. With total breastfeed, we will then have no fear that the water in Malaysia is not clean etc...
Little elli is growing so fast!! She's a blessing to us! And we thank God for her.Being a mother has not been easy with little sleep. But it has certainly been so fruitful and fulfilling. And i'm enjoying every bit of it!! :) I've been reading so much on spiritual parenting and it is indeed a challenge to be able to bring up tis gal in the ways of the Lord. As i read, the Lord has truly blessed my heart and challenged me in many areas of my life. I've been reading on Growing up God's way and it's a good book!! thanks for the book sister chiao chyi.!!!Be it to teach her gratefulness, forgiveness, reverence for God, truthfulness, contentment etc, God has indeed challenged me as her mummy to look within my own heart too and be a mummy whose life speaks wat she teaches.
There are so much stuff to teach and so many attributes that u wanna ur kid to inherit. But, as i read on, there are a few attributes i wanna spend more time on:
1) Gratefulness ( That she will have a thankful heart to God for all things she has)
2) Truthfulness ( That she will be true to God's word and ways and seek righteousness)
3) Forgiveness ( That she will learn to forgive abd be forgiven and be able to go on in life, being free from any burden of unforgiveness)
4) Contenment ( That she will be happy and content with the life God has blessed her with and not envy and covet the materials/possessions of another)
5 Identity in Christ ( That she be convicted that she is created by God, for God and is very special and beautiful for God has made her most beautiful in His sight,
I have been reviewing these attributes on myself as i seek how to teach this to Kielli. Indeed, may the Lord change my heart and create in me a pure heart and give me wisdom that i can teach her these attributes to the best of my ability.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Issue 8: Satellite Transfer
Today, we launch the Starship Supplygoodiesexpress for a resupply mission to Satellite BFC. The primary objective is to empty the basket into a throng of grinning guys and gals. (i.e. our Church)
The vision and mission are stated herein

The payload: Choc Almond, Sunflower Seeds, Pretzels, Cinammon n Raisin Bagels, Cheddar Cheese Biscuits, Buttermilk Cookies and lots of pics of Kielli!

And of course, our courageous Starship Captain!

Unfortunately, we had transmission interference from the mission site, but we at Starship Command hope that all the folks at Satellite BFC enjoyed the stuff :)
Today, we launch the Starship Supplygoodiesexpress for a resupply mission to Satellite BFC. The primary objective is to empty the basket into a throng of grinning guys and gals. (i.e. our Church)
The vision and mission are stated herein

The payload: Choc Almond, Sunflower Seeds, Pretzels, Cinammon n Raisin Bagels, Cheddar Cheese Biscuits, Buttermilk Cookies and lots of pics of Kielli!

And of course, our courageous Starship Captain!

Unfortunately, we had transmission interference from the mission site, but we at Starship Command hope that all the folks at Satellite BFC enjoyed the stuff :)
Issue 7: The Assembly of Heroes
The next day dawning, we prepared for the long-awaited coronation of the Heroic Kielli. A gathering of superheroes from all around the universe, bonded by a common goal: To carry cuddle and take pics with her!
Welcome to the Tan family familiarity and fun!
Here we are, one big happy family.

Seasoned liao, see how confident they look.

Now everyone's gonna be teasing them after this pic ;P

Wow, and who says you can't start teaching parenting to the young :)
The next day dawning, we prepared for the long-awaited coronation of the Heroic Kielli. A gathering of superheroes from all around the universe, bonded by a common goal: To carry cuddle and take pics with her!
Welcome to the Tan family familiarity and fun!
Here we are, one big happy family.

Seasoned liao, see how confident they look.

Now everyone's gonna be teasing them after this pic ;P

Wow, and who says you can't start teaching parenting to the young :)

Issue 6: The Passing of the Moon
Ter> 10th April 2008: The days have come and gone. Behold! Kielli is past the moon! Oh no, she's not like the cow that jumped over the moon, and ran away with the fiddle & spoon.
It means that a month has passed! To celebrate tomorrow's First Month Anniversary, we (the extended family) took a perilous journey in the unknown civilisation of Warring Wakus.... I mean... to Waraku Jap food yummy land!
Here we are, cosying in the private dining room...

We also ordered a special cake for the Birthmonth gal.

If you're wondering what it is, it's actually a pair of egg/tuna sushi :P

Anyway, Grandpa is always a happy customer

Yes, that hand was from Grandma, making sure he has eyes only for her :P

As so goes our happy parting shots

Amazingly, Kielli slept right through dinner, only waking at the end of the adventure demanding a bountiful ransom of nutrients from the milk factory... but alas, that is another tale for another season.
It means that a month has passed! To celebrate tomorrow's First Month Anniversary, we (the extended family) took a perilous journey in the unknown civilisation of Warring Wakus.... I mean... to Waraku Jap food yummy land!
Here we are, cosying in the private dining room...

We also ordered a special cake for the Birthmonth gal.

If you're wondering what it is, it's actually a pair of egg/tuna sushi :P

Anyway, Grandpa is always a happy customer

Yes, that hand was from Grandma, making sure he has eyes only for her :P

As so goes our happy parting shots

Amazingly, Kielli slept right through dinner, only waking at the end of the adventure demanding a bountiful ransom of nutrients from the milk factory... but alas, that is another tale for another season.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
down at His feet
being a mummy is no joke. No joke when u get up in the middle of the nite when ur gal stirs a little in her sleep. No joke when u doze off while feeding her. No joke when u try to stay awake & joyful in the day to entertain her though u slept so little in the nite.
Motherhood is a journey of no return. Kinda a irreversible change. even when u feel tired, u can't take a break, unlike a corporate job whereby u clear ur leave n sleep well thru the nitez. Even if u feel exhausted todae, there is no turning back. When the little one cries, u juz have to get on, work on, go on, 24 hrs everydae. And tat requires lotsa energy.
i realise that despite the many chores i do each day in entertaining tis little gal, i wanna do more than juz fulfill her basic needs, like feeding or changing her diapers. i wanna teach. i wanna play with her. i wanna be a joyful mummy. And to do all these, basically, i need ENERGY n strength. Realised that i need to pray , pray n pray. As prayer is the foundation of the ministry, i guess, prayer too is the foundation of motherhood. haha....:)
i ask not for anytin great nor ambitious. In the past, i remember praying for " major things with targetted focus". But, somehow, God is teaching me these days to pray the "little" prayer in life. Not for any big miracle to happen in my life. But juz a simple prayer each day for a little more strength & joy to sustain me thru the day while i'm half-awake, energy & wisdom to educate tis little one in the way of the Lord. And with the passing of each day, i'm content to simply sleep 5 hrs a night, read the bible to the little one, and simply have 1 hr of free time to myself when Ter comes home to change shift!!! :) Indeed, i thank God for sustaining me!! :) God is good!Good when i sleep 2 hrs a nite, Good when i sleep 6 hrs a nite. As i sleep peacefully thru the nitez, i can't help but thank God that He has given little Kielli good sleep tat the whole family gets a good sleep too!!! :)
As a mummy, there's so much that i wanna protect the little & make sure that she sleeps, eats well & grows well. But, somehow, as i commit her to the Lord, God seems to be teaching me this lesson, to " let go " of tis daughter and give her to the Lord. i realise that tis little one belongs to God n is precious to Him. I can't be there 4 her 24hrs a day. But God will protect her everywhere, round the clock. So these days, b4 Ter & i sleep, we juz pray for her. And haha....we doze off peacefully thru the nite, knowing that should anytin reallie happen thru the nite when all is asleep, God is there to protect her!! Amen!! As the Lord forms her in my womb and knows even the no of hair on little Kielli, i know that God knows Kielli's temperment, temper, character than anyone of us. He has a plan for her. And, well, for Ter & us, we juz kinda have to be good stewardship of tis little one, to train her up in God's way to the best of our ability, that she can be used for God's glory and be wat God wants her to be, be it a roadsweeper, waitress, missionary, teacher, or a pastor's wifey????:PPP We will not know who she will be in the future. But we know, wherever God has called her to, there she will be most happy in God's will!!
This song been running thru my mind when i woke up tis morning. And i was blessed when it reminds me to be always down at the Lord's feet everyday, everywhere. I used to sing tis very often in my NTU campus crusade days n that was like 6 yrs back!! And i haven't been singing tis for sooo sooo long. But somehow, it juz surfaced up todae...here goes:
Down at ur feet Oh Lord, Is the most high place
In ur pressence Lord, i seek ur face, I seek ur face.
There is no higher calling, no greater honor
Than to bow n kneel b4 ur throne
I'm amazed by ur glory
Embraced by ur mercy
Oh Lord, i long to worship U.
I wonder if i got the later -part lyrics right. Seriously, i can't even remember the name of tis song. But, well, tis is wat i remembered to the best of my ability. Hopefully, i got them right.
Indeed, to be down at The Lord's feet is the most high place. As we get caught up in hectic ministry work, may we always remember that perhaps, the most important role we play is NOT a sunday school teacher, nor a youth leader, nor a wifey, nor a gf, nor a church leader. But our core role is simply to play the role of a child down at the feet of our gracious & loving Father, having a most intimate relationship, seeking comfort in the arms of our Father. How comforting is that....:)
Onli then will we be able to play the other roles in our lives well.
Motherhood is a journey of no return. Kinda a irreversible change. even when u feel tired, u can't take a break, unlike a corporate job whereby u clear ur leave n sleep well thru the nitez. Even if u feel exhausted todae, there is no turning back. When the little one cries, u juz have to get on, work on, go on, 24 hrs everydae. And tat requires lotsa energy.
i realise that despite the many chores i do each day in entertaining tis little gal, i wanna do more than juz fulfill her basic needs, like feeding or changing her diapers. i wanna teach. i wanna play with her. i wanna be a joyful mummy. And to do all these, basically, i need ENERGY n strength. Realised that i need to pray , pray n pray. As prayer is the foundation of the ministry, i guess, prayer too is the foundation of motherhood. haha....:)
i ask not for anytin great nor ambitious. In the past, i remember praying for " major things with targetted focus". But, somehow, God is teaching me these days to pray the "little" prayer in life. Not for any big miracle to happen in my life. But juz a simple prayer each day for a little more strength & joy to sustain me thru the day while i'm half-awake, energy & wisdom to educate tis little one in the way of the Lord. And with the passing of each day, i'm content to simply sleep 5 hrs a night, read the bible to the little one, and simply have 1 hr of free time to myself when Ter comes home to change shift!!! :) Indeed, i thank God for sustaining me!! :) God is good!Good when i sleep 2 hrs a nite, Good when i sleep 6 hrs a nite. As i sleep peacefully thru the nitez, i can't help but thank God that He has given little Kielli good sleep tat the whole family gets a good sleep too!!! :)
As a mummy, there's so much that i wanna protect the little & make sure that she sleeps, eats well & grows well. But, somehow, as i commit her to the Lord, God seems to be teaching me this lesson, to " let go " of tis daughter and give her to the Lord. i realise that tis little one belongs to God n is precious to Him. I can't be there 4 her 24hrs a day. But God will protect her everywhere, round the clock. So these days, b4 Ter & i sleep, we juz pray for her. And haha....we doze off peacefully thru the nite, knowing that should anytin reallie happen thru the nite when all is asleep, God is there to protect her!! Amen!! As the Lord forms her in my womb and knows even the no of hair on little Kielli, i know that God knows Kielli's temperment, temper, character than anyone of us. He has a plan for her. And, well, for Ter & us, we juz kinda have to be good stewardship of tis little one, to train her up in God's way to the best of our ability, that she can be used for God's glory and be wat God wants her to be, be it a roadsweeper, waitress, missionary, teacher, or a pastor's wifey????:PPP We will not know who she will be in the future. But we know, wherever God has called her to, there she will be most happy in God's will!!
This song been running thru my mind when i woke up tis morning. And i was blessed when it reminds me to be always down at the Lord's feet everyday, everywhere. I used to sing tis very often in my NTU campus crusade days n that was like 6 yrs back!! And i haven't been singing tis for sooo sooo long. But somehow, it juz surfaced up todae...here goes:
Down at ur feet Oh Lord, Is the most high place
In ur pressence Lord, i seek ur face, I seek ur face.
There is no higher calling, no greater honor
Than to bow n kneel b4 ur throne
I'm amazed by ur glory
Embraced by ur mercy
Oh Lord, i long to worship U.
I wonder if i got the later -part lyrics right. Seriously, i can't even remember the name of tis song. But, well, tis is wat i remembered to the best of my ability. Hopefully, i got them right.
Indeed, to be down at The Lord's feet is the most high place. As we get caught up in hectic ministry work, may we always remember that perhaps, the most important role we play is NOT a sunday school teacher, nor a youth leader, nor a wifey, nor a gf, nor a church leader. But our core role is simply to play the role of a child down at the feet of our gracious & loving Father, having a most intimate relationship, seeking comfort in the arms of our Father. How comforting is that....:)
Onli then will we be able to play the other roles in our lives well.
Monday, March 30, 2009
when the little one gets less cranky...
when little kielli gets less cranky, i do have some little time to myself, other than zzzzing & resting in bed.
yap, i realise tat time is so precious, so i'm glad God made women multi-tasking creatures. Well, men r made such tat they have the ability to compartmentalise every part of their lives, they dun mix work with private life. Well, for women, NOW i know why God made us tis way tat we mix all aspects of our lives together.
This multi-tasking attribute is especially useful during motherhood....
while kielli is less cranky n sleeps soundly, i do my face, cleanser, scrub n puts on my sea-clay mask n blogs at the same time..haha....when the mask is done n blog is done, it's about time kielli starts her "cranking" again......:P
Ok. The face scrub & mask makes my day!!! Also, will be having my Javanese body massage later, so tat makes me happie too! It's my 3rd session of massage n i like it. Juz a pity i can't do a body scrub or wrap. Well, after confinement.
Todae is a good day after all!!
Oh. Little kielli has woken up..tataz....gotta go...
yap, i realise tat time is so precious, so i'm glad God made women multi-tasking creatures. Well, men r made such tat they have the ability to compartmentalise every part of their lives, they dun mix work with private life. Well, for women, NOW i know why God made us tis way tat we mix all aspects of our lives together.
This multi-tasking attribute is especially useful during motherhood....
while kielli is less cranky n sleeps soundly, i do my face, cleanser, scrub n puts on my sea-clay mask n blogs at the same time..haha....when the mask is done n blog is done, it's about time kielli starts her "cranking" again......:P
Ok. The face scrub & mask makes my day!!! Also, will be having my Javanese body massage later, so tat makes me happie too! It's my 3rd session of massage n i like it. Juz a pity i can't do a body scrub or wrap. Well, after confinement.
Todae is a good day after all!!
Oh. Little kielli has woken up..tataz....gotta go...
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Issue 5: Four Posse's & A Proposal?
Today, we shall dispense with civilities. Our visitors have come, and we shall show them off!
Chia Family

JoAnn, Chiaochyi & the little ones

Pretty Aunties!

More pretty aunties & ceh ceh!

Many many nice people!

Then came they on a special mission

And the proposal was made. Don't the daddies look delighted? =)

Chia Family

JoAnn, Chiaochyi & the little ones

Pretty Aunties!

More pretty aunties & ceh ceh!

Many many nice people!

Then came they on a special mission

And the proposal was made. Don't the daddies look delighted? =)

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