Kielli luvs water n i wanna let her play some water!!!
So, we're doing a splash party at fang's place tis sat. Here's wat i rented for the little kids to play: Water Park Banzai!!
It's actually a very small affair, with the Ngs, SOhs, Kims & LEongs, with our main objective being to keep in touch with Karen and celebrate her birthdae!
Then, guess wat happened:
fang: ur gal the onli gal leh...
Daph: ok, we'll get Candy & Aloysious to come!!
fang; i asked Lena since she had a boy
daph: Oh...me asked Janice to come too!!
And so, the party expanded...
AND I realised, the pool is too small for all kids..
And then, Adrian suggested he'll bring some games...
So now, we have a games cum splash party.. :)
maybe...i'll invite my cousin n her boy too!!! haha...
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