Been a pretty long time since we long blogged. Been bz that we hardly had time to breathe. Too much stuff tat we wanna do n hubby n i juz wish we had more time. more time 4 ministry. more time 4 each other!
In the midst of our tight schedule, i kinda appreciate the time we can be away from everyone n juz enjoy our time as a couple. Just as we hope to be a blessing to others, it's reallie so important that we stand united as a couple to pray n bear each other burdens. It's been a blessing to marry someone of the same heartbeat and i guess, tis V-day, i was comforted by God that no matter where we go in the future, be it in wealth or poverty, health or sickness, God will guide our path together. i tot it's so romantic being with someone you love n being able to serve God together and commit our live to God together! This is the path for us as a couple and i pray that our youth and best yrs of our lives be committed to God 4 His glory. By following God, we may not have all the riches in the world, yet we have everything God provides that the world can't give. How sweet joy indeed it is.
Anyway, pics at Vday at Riverview Hotel. 8-course Teppanyaki dinner at Ginga Japanese Place. Thumbs up 4 the teppayaki, tempura and salad! Rather impressed with the service. After the vday meal, we were referred to tis lounge 4 coffee/tea with cake n dessert which comes with the meal. Cosy place to stretch n relax. I tot it's a fantastic idea to end the nite. Rather then facing the noisy crowd in town.
After dinner,we zoomed off 4 a wake for a church fren's dad. Now, that's the kind of lives we lead! HECTIC!!!! After the romance, it's time to WORK! hahaha:P
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