Thursday, October 18, 2007

date without candles!

My parents planning a family trip to Bangkok- My parents, sis & hubby, Ter & me. ANd i'm reallie looking forward to it! HAd dinner date with my younger sis just now and it kinda brings back sweet memories.

It's been a long time since i last have a chance to spend quality time with my family and sometimes, i do miss the warmth of the traditional Tan family and all the house rules which i used to rebel against:

- No hamsters in the living room. Animals are only allowed in the kitchen.
- Report to dad as long as you don't come home after school.
-No overnight stays at Bf's home or overnight holidays as long as we are not married
-No bermudas to church. No slippers to church. ( i got scolded once when i was young when i wore bermudas for a SAT informal Youth service)
-No spaghetti tops in and out of the house ( my mum is quite strict on this though she's a charismatic at heart) ( my sis used to sneak out with spaghetti top ONLY when mum away. Think i dunno- she always has SPARE sweater in her bag. And once she's within 200m from home, she's in her sweater again even when it's freaking hot) funny.
-No horror movies to be watched
-No horror books in the house. ( i hide my books)
-No wearing of clothes and accessories associated with snakes or dragons.( I used to have a cute dragon t-hirt during my sec days n my dad refuse to let me wear it)
-No TV when we're having dinner

i come from a close-kinted family who talks about everything under the sun. We talk about pastors and their preaching styles, the modesty of dancers in church,which musician my sis is dating, the song leaders in church, which drummer is too rock and of course Spirit filled charismatics and word filled BAptists. haha....:p That's a SENSITIVE issue and i've learnt my lesson not to pursue this matter too much with Mum. There are just certain issues that are to be made firm our stand but not quarrel over the dinner table. Mum is always telling Ter &me that too much word chokes up your brain and makes you a Pharisee. well,well,well.........i shall give no comments.:P

Dad used to drive the whole familyto church and though i've married ,i do miss dad driving us to church and going out lunch with them after church. Miss the malaysia retreats out with dad's cell group and the church so familiar to me. Memories are always sweet. It's been so many years since i left Renewal.(RCC) While we were dating, Ter visits Renewal on Sat and i visit BFC on Sun. It reaches a point whereby we can no longer be in 2 diff church. SOmehow, during a prayer meeting at Renewal, God affirmed me that BFC is where He wants Ter & me to be. I wept that night. I love friends, family at Renewal, but it;s not where God wants me to be. To obey God and take up the cross, to submit and leave familiar friends and family. The Lord taught me the lesson of leaving that day. i cried and struggled the first 6 mths in BFC. It was a culture shock.It was just painful. But, somehow,it strengthened the love between Ter & I as we learn to go thru this trial and emotional rollar coaster together as a couple.

Memories are to be cherished deeply. But i guess, for the work of God, how many have left their beloved family and friends for the greater calling of their lives? Leaving will never be easy. But to leave to obey God's calling, that is indeed an honor. To live and to die for God, what more can one ask for?

God seems to be teaching me many lessons of leaving- A wife to leave her parents for a new family unit, a gal to leave her familiar charismatic church and friends for a traditional church with totally foreign alien culture she has never known in her entire life. I remember stories;

- People holding unto certain burden in their lives that restrict them from running this race for God whole-heartedly and effectively.

-People holding on so tight on their lives and refusing God to enter and take control of their loves.

-Parents holding unto their grown-up married kids

-Married kids holding unto their parents

One story touched me though:
God has only one son and He made Him a missionary.

Are you holding unto your kids?
Are we ready to "lose" our kids and give them to the Lord's work in a foreign land?

Well, my struggle about u? :P

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