Recently, there seems to be some reminisce going around the NTU Crusade FAmily. And ok, we find some oldie pics surfacing up in Face book! pics taken during my Uni years. That's like 9 years ago! OK! We do look nerdy, young and have funny expressions n smiles. Perhaps not as preetty n handsome as we all are in real life. But then, haha,i do have my laughs when i see all these pics. FUn! Amused! Nostalgic! What better words to describe!
My 3 yrs in NTU were spent mostly with the NTU Campus Crusade Family. Orientation n yearly camps, sunrise prayer meetings, street e, discipling, missions trips, retreats. To look back, NTUCCC has shaped my life significantly in my spiritual walk! And i thank God for so many dear sisters and brothers in ministry! Ministry work with the same calling has bonded us strongly together and it's juz something that i cherish! :) What greater joy is there than to work together with like-minded labourers who share the same heartbeart for God's work.
here's the pics.... for laughs.....

Jonathan ( beside me) and Amy ( 2nd right).

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