21st August 2008
Sometimes we wonder why God allows trials in our lives. Why some trials are prolonged, like JoAnn's problems, and why some are so short and sweet like ours.
Could it be a simple case of misdiagnosis? Or was it really a Dermoid cyst that God really shrunk despite the medical impossibility? The article (below) says that a Corpus Luteum cyst is "fluid-filled", whereas a Dermoid cyst is solid tissue. From the ultrasound pictures, the cyst was definitely opaque and solid-like.
Even during the last scan, I could see a brief flash of confusion in Dr Tee's eyes. He didn't expect the cyst to shrink. He wasn't confident of what kind of cyst we were dealing with. The usual "No problem, I've seen this a thousand times" composure dissipated for that brief moment.
We vividly remember exclaiming "Thank God" and "God is so good to us", in response to which, Dr Tee asked "Which God is that?". God allowed us to 'coincidentally' (aka Divine arrangement) select a Gynae who's a friend of the Chuas.
I do believe, not only is God building our faith in Him, but he is showing himself real to Dr Tee, who does not know him.
Please pray with us as we invite him and his wife to join us for Church Anniversary. Mrs Chua will follow up after we give him the invitation during our next appointment on 13th Sept 08.
For more info on a Corpus Luteum Cyst, look here: http://www.drspock.com/article/0,1510,5335,00.html
Monday, August 25, 2008
Descending into Deliverance
19th August 2008
We were ready for the Op in 2 days time. Leave was applied for and approved. Mom offered to take leave is Daphne couldn't recover fast enough next week. Pa/Ma offered the spare room in Bedok or to send lunch over if needed. BFC folks were ready to take leave and come down to pray for us on the morning of the Op. Truly, God has blessed us with people who love us so much and are willing to make life easier for us in our time of need.
Dad was also really nice today. He picked us up from home and drove us to KK. So we plopped down to Specialist Clinic A while Dad went to send Popo to the polyclinic, and while we waited, we browsed over the newly announced baby bonuses in the newspapers. $1k more cash, 4 days more childcare leave, 1 month more maternity leave... not bad, too bad no paternity leave hehe.
Ok I digress. When we went into the consultation room for the scan. I was puzzled when the normally confident Dr Tee squinted at the screen and drew a myriad of circles with the ultrasound probe on Daphne's tummy. He murmured that he couldn't find the cyst, and I bet Daphne's heart missed a beat when he said that. Only after another minute of searching did he find the cyst. Measuring in at a now miniature 3.4 cm, the cyst had unexplainably shrunk by 60%! Praise God!
Dr Tee later said that the cyst should be a Corpus Luteum Cyst instead of a Dermoid Cyst, cos only a Corpus Luteum cyst shrinks by itself. He printed out an article on it and explained that it should disappear by itself in a few weeks, and Daphne didn't need to undergo the operation after all! Of course our first sight of Little Leong's head and tiny little body, measuring 3.2 cm in length meant that he/she's really growing well, and that we need not worry about his/her health.
It was spam spam spam all the way, as we messaged everyone the good news, and called our parents in turn to share our happiness and relief.
We celebrated by spending our Taka vouchers on nice Italian food at Ambush, before I had to go back to work. Finally, I can blog and announce everything about our Little Leong without risk of a tragic memory, but instead look forward to this journey, as God guides us in this wonderful challenge of parenthood.
God is good amen? :D
We were ready for the Op in 2 days time. Leave was applied for and approved. Mom offered to take leave is Daphne couldn't recover fast enough next week. Pa/Ma offered the spare room in Bedok or to send lunch over if needed. BFC folks were ready to take leave and come down to pray for us on the morning of the Op. Truly, God has blessed us with people who love us so much and are willing to make life easier for us in our time of need.
Dad was also really nice today. He picked us up from home and drove us to KK. So we plopped down to Specialist Clinic A while Dad went to send Popo to the polyclinic, and while we waited, we browsed over the newly announced baby bonuses in the newspapers. $1k more cash, 4 days more childcare leave, 1 month more maternity leave... not bad, too bad no paternity leave hehe.
Ok I digress. When we went into the consultation room for the scan. I was puzzled when the normally confident Dr Tee squinted at the screen and drew a myriad of circles with the ultrasound probe on Daphne's tummy. He murmured that he couldn't find the cyst, and I bet Daphne's heart missed a beat when he said that. Only after another minute of searching did he find the cyst. Measuring in at a now miniature 3.4 cm, the cyst had unexplainably shrunk by 60%! Praise God!
Dr Tee later said that the cyst should be a Corpus Luteum Cyst instead of a Dermoid Cyst, cos only a Corpus Luteum cyst shrinks by itself. He printed out an article on it and explained that it should disappear by itself in a few weeks, and Daphne didn't need to undergo the operation after all! Of course our first sight of Little Leong's head and tiny little body, measuring 3.2 cm in length meant that he/she's really growing well, and that we need not worry about his/her health.
It was spam spam spam all the way, as we messaged everyone the good news, and called our parents in turn to share our happiness and relief.
We celebrated by spending our Taka vouchers on nice Italian food at Ambush, before I had to go back to work. Finally, I can blog and announce everything about our Little Leong without risk of a tragic memory, but instead look forward to this journey, as God guides us in this wonderful challenge of parenthood.
God is good amen? :D
Bracing for an Op. Trust in Prayer
Leading up to 2nd August 2008
In the last 2 weeks, the prayer chain was activated, and half the church knew of the cyst. We were praying definitely earnestly that God would protect our child first and foremost, and that we would be content with whatever outcome or recourse the Lord provided.
Surprisingly, when we showed our appointment card to Mrs Chua, she recognised the name of our Gynae immediately, saying that he was her & Dr Chua's senior in Med school, and he's kind of a HOD in KK, and he's very experienced in his field.
Thank God for this reassurance, we don't have to hop around Singapore getting a 2nd/3rd/4th opinion, not knowing which Gynae to trust.
2nd August 2008
Today, Dad went golfing in JB again, so no car, and we cabbed down to KK AMK again for the follow up visit. We were early this time, and went in with some apprehension on whether our baby was growing or not. 2 weeks back Little Leong was 1.8 cm long.... today we would know if the pregnancy was stable or not.
Looking apprehensively over Dr Tee's shoulder at the screen, we saw the familiar disc of black mass, and a littler shape. As we saw the little shape closer up, we could see little flickering in the middle of the white mass. Our biggy hearts jumped in exhilaration as he said, "Look, it's the heartbeat!"
Of course, tempered by the great joy in the confirmation of our child's health (it grew from 1.8cm to about 2.2cm) was the impending operation. Dr Tee told us that a 8.5 cm cyst would likely impede the growth of the fetus, and would need to be removed once the fetus is sufficiently stable.
The op would be open surgery, and have a 3-5% chance of miscarriage. Daphne would have to be warded for at least 3 days, and need to rest at home for 3-4 weeks.
3 weeks on, we were to go for a final scan in KK Hospital, 2 days before the op, and make the final preparations for the operation.
In the last 2 weeks, the prayer chain was activated, and half the church knew of the cyst. We were praying definitely earnestly that God would protect our child first and foremost, and that we would be content with whatever outcome or recourse the Lord provided.
Surprisingly, when we showed our appointment card to Mrs Chua, she recognised the name of our Gynae immediately, saying that he was her & Dr Chua's senior in Med school, and he's kind of a HOD in KK, and he's very experienced in his field.
Thank God for this reassurance, we don't have to hop around Singapore getting a 2nd/3rd/4th opinion, not knowing which Gynae to trust.
2nd August 2008
Today, Dad went golfing in JB again, so no car, and we cabbed down to KK AMK again for the follow up visit. We were early this time, and went in with some apprehension on whether our baby was growing or not. 2 weeks back Little Leong was 1.8 cm long.... today we would know if the pregnancy was stable or not.
Looking apprehensively over Dr Tee's shoulder at the screen, we saw the familiar disc of black mass, and a littler shape. As we saw the little shape closer up, we could see little flickering in the middle of the white mass. Our biggy hearts jumped in exhilaration as he said, "Look, it's the heartbeat!"
Of course, tempered by the great joy in the confirmation of our child's health (it grew from 1.8cm to about 2.2cm) was the impending operation. Dr Tee told us that a 8.5 cm cyst would likely impede the growth of the fetus, and would need to be removed once the fetus is sufficiently stable.
The op would be open surgery, and have a 3-5% chance of miscarriage. Daphne would have to be warded for at least 3 days, and need to rest at home for 3-4 weeks.
3 weeks on, we were to go for a final scan in KK Hospital, 2 days before the op, and make the final preparations for the operation.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
First Gynae Visit, Uncertainty and Hope
19th July 2008, Saturday
We arrived just on time at KK AMK (i.e. 5 minutes after appointment time). Thank God that we could borrow the car from dad today. Of course, parking was a problem, but we got a lot in due time.
After waiting almost an hour, our number was flashed on the screen, and we were greeted by a kindly-looking man named Dr John Tee Chee Seng. He started up the ultrasound machine and started scanning Daphne's tummy, and informed us that there were 2, instead of 1, occupant in Daphne's womb. With a few expert clicks, printed out and measured a black disc-like growth just below our 1.8cm sized baby.
The natural questions ensued, and he pronounced that there was a 8.5 cm sized dermoid cyst, which is 99% non-cancerous, but was large enough to risk impeding the growth of the fetus.
(for more info, you can read up at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dermoid_cyst )
He said that there's nothing to worry about, cos it can be easily removed with a low risk operation at the end of the first trimester.
As we drove on home after lunch, Daphne was visibly worried. I told her that God would protect all 3 of us in His own way, and that the best place to be was in His hands. I couldn't remember her whole response, but the thing I clearly heard and wholeheartedly agree with was that we needed to pray like crazy, at least twice a day for this pregnancy.
We arrived just on time at KK AMK (i.e. 5 minutes after appointment time). Thank God that we could borrow the car from dad today. Of course, parking was a problem, but we got a lot in due time.
After waiting almost an hour, our number was flashed on the screen, and we were greeted by a kindly-looking man named Dr John Tee Chee Seng. He started up the ultrasound machine and started scanning Daphne's tummy, and informed us that there were 2, instead of 1, occupant in Daphne's womb. With a few expert clicks, printed out and measured a black disc-like growth just below our 1.8cm sized baby.
The natural questions ensued, and he pronounced that there was a 8.5 cm sized dermoid cyst, which is 99% non-cancerous, but was large enough to risk impeding the growth of the fetus.
(for more info, you can read up at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dermoid_cyst
He said that there's nothing to worry about, cos it can be easily removed with a low risk operation at the end of the first trimester.
As we drove on home after lunch, Daphne was visibly worried. I told her that God would protect all 3 of us in His own way, and that the best place to be was in His hands. I couldn't remember her whole response, but the thing I clearly heard and wholeheartedly agree with was that we needed to pray like crazy, at least twice a day for this pregnancy.
I'm going to be a daddy!
5th July 2008
Some times, God gives you gifts that you never asked for, and at unexpected times as well.
4 weeks ago, we found out that Daphne was pregnant (after a series of home test-kits, GP visits, and other events that would warrant an essay in itself :) ) Part of me (silently) blurted out "Whoa, are you serious?", but another part of me calmly (and audibly) proclaimed "Hey, we've been married over 3 years, it's about time!"
Living with BFC folks meant that there were babies all around. Punggol Small Group was often a 'pink party' with the 5 little girls melting our hearts each time we hug them goodbye. Kids were a way of life as we took turns to carry/play with them in between and after service.
Vivid pictures of sleepness nights, diaper parades, overly doting grandparents, redecorating the spare room, pink walls with Hello Kitties (*faints*) fill my mind, along with many many many questions:
PS. And no, if you're speculating, little Leong wasn't made during June Camp, but just over a week after it. :P
Some times, God gives you gifts that you never asked for, and at unexpected times as well.
4 weeks ago, we found out that Daphne was pregnant (after a series of home test-kits, GP visits, and other events that would warrant an essay in itself :) ) Part of me (silently) blurted out "Whoa, are you serious?", but another part of me calmly (and audibly) proclaimed "Hey, we've been married over 3 years, it's about time!"
Living with BFC folks meant that there were babies all around. Punggol Small Group was often a 'pink party' with the 5 little girls melting our hearts each time we hug them goodbye. Kids were a way of life as we took turns to carry/play with them in between and after service.
Vivid pictures of sleepness nights, diaper parades, overly doting grandparents, redecorating the spare room, pink walls with Hello Kitties (*faints*) fill my mind, along with many many many questions:
- Do I want a kid? Definitely! I want to have at least 2, maybe 3 kids.
- Does it matter if it's a boy or girl? I think a boy would be 'safer' for a first kid, cos they're tougher physically. I'm not the most gentle of persons :P (But girl or boy, I'll love em the same, ie. lotsa lotsa lots! :D )
- Do I want Daphne to be a stay-home mom? Well, for the last 2 years, I've been telling her that she can be a tai-tai if she wanted, provided she could stand staying at home all day.
- Should I buy a car? Possibly if I don't go study in USA next year.
- Could I possibly afford 3 kids? God provides, but it will involve much sacrifice on our part.
PS. And no, if you're speculating, little Leong wasn't made during June Camp, but just over a week after it. :P
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
at the airport with Wang Li
I guess, in this world, love is beautiful. And a pic with God's love does deserve to be the most beautiful pic.:) What is beauty? Perhaps, many times, our eyes may juzt have been blinded. Well, perhaps, many times, we just need to look beyond.....and look within the hearts.
When i first dated Terence, many asked me whether i was reallie serious dating such a nerdy guy. :) I'm quite colourful in my dressing. So,I do have funny comments. Like i should change his wardrobe. He's neither handsome or perhaps he reallie has a terrible fashion sense or has a most boring wardrobe as compared to the many biz guys i met in school who looks far more " refined" and " cultured" . But i guess, in my eyes, who carez about all these stupid, brainless and invalauble comments! He has a most beautiful heart. And that's what is most beautiful in every man. :) I'm dating him and that's final! :) No one gotta change my decision, not even my frens! :P That's how we dated! haha.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Many freak out at old photos. well, it's kinda the times when you wear hot pokie dottie pink with short mini skirts and think that it's the bestest fashion during THAT TIME! Oh yes, u THOUGHT u look good that many years back. But now, when u look back, it's probably THE FASHION MISTAKE you will NEVER make! haha....well, we do have those times, when we tink hey, this hair style is cool and 1 yr later, u tot u look nerdy in THAT same hair style.
Recently, there seems to be some reminisce going around the NTU Crusade FAmily. And ok, we find some oldie pics surfacing up in Face book! pics taken during my Uni years. That's like 9 years ago! OK! We do look nerdy, young and have funny expressions n smiles. Perhaps not as preetty n handsome as we all are in real life. But then, haha,i do have my laughs when i see all these pics. FUn! Amused! Nostalgic! What better words to describe!
My 3 yrs in NTU were spent mostly with the NTU Campus Crusade Family. Orientation n yearly camps, sunrise prayer meetings, street e, discipling, missions trips, retreats. To look back, NTUCCC has shaped my life significantly in my spiritual walk! And i thank God for so many dear sisters and brothers in ministry! Ministry work with the same calling has bonded us strongly together and it's juz something that i cherish! :) What greater joy is there than to work together with like-minded labourers who share the same heartbeart for God's work.
here's the pics.... for laughs.....
My discipleship group for the 3 years with our discipler, Jo who stands beside me! Her hubby n her r currently serving in NTU CAmpus Crusade as full -time staff! This was taken during our first year 1999!
Wedding of Rebek and Shijie, both fellow campus crusaders. Taken in 2007! Al l the dear frens! :)
My first 3-week Jap mission trip in 1999. Found the MCs for my Chijmes wedding dinner?
Jonathan ( beside me) and Amy ( 2nd right).
Church we visited in Japan! The gals from my mission team!

where we stayed during our 3 wk stay in Japan!
Recently, there seems to be some reminisce going around the NTU Crusade FAmily. And ok, we find some oldie pics surfacing up in Face book! pics taken during my Uni years. That's like 9 years ago! OK! We do look nerdy, young and have funny expressions n smiles. Perhaps not as preetty n handsome as we all are in real life. But then, haha,i do have my laughs when i see all these pics. FUn! Amused! Nostalgic! What better words to describe!
My 3 yrs in NTU were spent mostly with the NTU Campus Crusade Family. Orientation n yearly camps, sunrise prayer meetings, street e, discipling, missions trips, retreats. To look back, NTUCCC has shaped my life significantly in my spiritual walk! And i thank God for so many dear sisters and brothers in ministry! Ministry work with the same calling has bonded us strongly together and it's juz something that i cherish! :) What greater joy is there than to work together with like-minded labourers who share the same heartbeart for God's work.
here's the pics.... for laughs.....

Jonathan ( beside me) and Amy ( 2nd right).

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