Here's my super early birthdae gift from Ter! or izzit our 10th yr dating anniversary present?? Well, we haven't decided wats the occasion for it. Coz there was no particular recent occasion to justify such a splurge. Well, the onli justification for MR thrifty bruddy who survives very well on $3 chicken rice for mths, guess it's his luv for his beautiful wifey...and that's ME of course!!
But then, who needs an occasion to pamper his wifey who wakes up at funny hrs at nite to pacify his daughter??? :) Anyway, most importantly, its from Ter and it feels good to be pampered by ur hubby. After all, like any woman, i need the tender loving care of a man!!! i need a man's touch!!! haha ..Who cares about women's independence, financial freedom, woman's rights or " i dun need a man thingy" when ur hubby decides to pamper u!! I'll juz be a "little woman" when it comes to pressies....NOT for other issues!!! haha...
Anyway, it's been a bag spree last Sat. As Lign is due for delivery in 3 days times, i helped preggie Ligin get her ST Noel Small Vanessa Leather Bag with her instructions of 3 criteria: Black, leather and long strap. And she loved it!! :)
My MIL has been so sweet to us by taking care of dear Kielli whenever we are out for dates with frens and choir practices. She arranges for her sister to drive me to john little sale, feeds Kielli while i try on my clothes and shop, prepares breakfast for ter, takes care of Kielli and let me sleep till 10am on sat. She loves us so much. Indeed, tat's a mother's love.
We decided to pamper her and got her a Sembonia bag during the TAngs sale! Her smile said it all when she got the bag. And, my heart was warmed. It makes our day when we see mum happy! She's been so much happier since we shifted in with my inlaws with Kielli. My in-laws house is surely not as roomy as our own 5-room flat with own privacy, but i guess, it reallie makes mum happie to have her son n granddaughter around. And to us, her welfare is certainly important. I miss my house. But then, in life, i guess we juz have to give n take. We can't have the best of both worlds.
I hope one day, when Kielli grows up, she too will honor and love me with all her heart!! :) ANd pamper me too!!! haha...