Thursday, January 29, 2009
correlation between housework & Ice-cream
i've packed 5 boxes yesterdae. Well, todae, my target is to at least clear all the smelly stinky clothes! While washing is easy for Ter, he kinda dumps everytin into the washing clothes, washing is tiring for me. Coz,i'm quite fussy!
i sort out the clothes by machine or hand-washed. Then, for the respective categories, by colour and fabric type to prevent colour-running. After 4 yrs of marriage, TEr jolly well know wat r the safe clothes to dump into the machine and UNSAFE clothes he SHOULD never ever touch. I've kinda finished the machine clothes, so todae gotta be all the handwashing. Thank God i have no manicured nails due to my pregnancy, or else my poor nails gotta suffer a painful fate! Yappie, due to the pregnancy, i have kinda abstained from all manicure, pedicure and chemical hair treatment. Well well, after Mar, i will certain be part of the injections and multiplier effect into the mani, pedi and hair industry and contribute to the increase in money supply in the local market. haha....:) Well, is this like the fiscal or monetary policy adopted by the govt to improve economy? After all, our reserves are used and i guess the govt will be happie with consumers like me to boast the economy....:) Anyway, watever......seriously, i dunno! Economics is certainly not my cup of tea!
Gotta set goals to motivate myself to finish my housework! And hey, perhaps reward myself with a nice tub of Ben & Jerry Ice Cream! Tat will be an extremely powerful motivator for me to finish all the tasks todae! :)
Ok, here's some ice-cream places i found online with good reviews of course:
1) Seventh Heaven (MIS, 10 Raebum Park, #01-24 Tel: 62277787)
2) Island Creamery ( Holland V)
3) Ice Queen Ice Cream ( Golden Mile Food Centre #01-86)
4) ( 520 East Coast Rd #01-06)
5) ( Serangoon GArdens)
Personally, i luv the variety at icecreamchef.Onli thing is i gotta all these stuff online. Hopefully, the website is updated & the shops still exist! haha...:o
wats in ur bag?
Here's wat i found:
Here's how to spot a fake coach handbag:
It will be fun going around spotting fake coach bags! :) Perhaps i should do it somedae. I wonder wats the % statistics! My market research genes seem to be acting! :) I reallie wonder why consumers like to buy fake stuff! It's like trying to be real with fake goods! Yikes. .....Not for me!!:) I rather get a REAL economical Charles & Keith than a FAke LV! :) At least i know everytin on me is REAL! If i reallie wanna a branded, it's gotta be the REal one! :P
In NTU, i remember doing market research on cohibitation and branding of online vs offline brands. But never on perceptions on branded goods. I should have done my FYP on Consumer's minds on Purchase of Authentic vs FAke Branded Bags!!!! Interesing topic to investigate on the motives, perceptions and driving force behind this Thriving FAke Branded Industry. After all, isn't this a consumer market? :) Oh ...i miss marketing......:) I luv marketing! :) I'm realie craving for some marketing proposals to work on!
Anyway, to my frens, please do not buy fake designer bags!!
Ur horrible appetite to show off a fake designer purse onli contributes to the growing rate of child
labour in less fortunate countries made to work and live in horrendous conditions.
I always believe that where there is no demand, there will be no supply! :) Are the bucks we saved worth the risk of boasting this thriving industry? Please do not be a part of this demand curve!!!:)
Fake Purses
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
my shoes!

here are SOME of the pretty shoes contributed by the aunties in church. i'm so blessed! :) Well, mummy said tis is onli part of the collection and my shoe wardrobe is more than daddy now! haha.... Mummy too bought me some cute little booties. and she can't wait to see how they look on me! Mummy tinks i need some green, orange and pastel purple in my wardrobe. Not too pinky though i'm a little gal! :) Mummy and daddy does not want me to grow up too dainty or vulnerable. But rather to grow up independent and to have a mind of my own! :)
Mummy going to get me some swimmie duckie to make my bath fun and enjoyable! Mothercare sale is currently on and tis makes my mummy happie! she's getting some cute comfy long-sleeved body suits for me so that i won't freeze in the church's nursery! There's too many little ones in church's nursery. Last drive to JB, mummy printed some cute bearie name stickers for me so that the church workers will be able to identify my bag, milk bottles, diaper bags etc when mummy away at service.
Now, wat's my name?
Ask my daddy! :) He chose it for me! :P
i'm 8 mths old!
So , Daddy and mummy decided ONE MORE HOLDIAY!!!! :) A 4 day drive to Malacca during CNY. Mummy gettimg more exhausted easily these days and she takes lotsa afternoon naps now! She can't walk as much, shop as much. So, tis holiday will be more like eat, sleep , shop with little walking. Mummy will be happy sleeping in the car while daddy drives.
Tis will be my first family trip to Malaysia with grandpa, grandma leong, auntie prisc and uncle james. everyone luvs me so much! :) aND everyone is awaiting for my arrival!
i;m 1.8 kg already and mummy's womb is getting more cramped now! Yikes, i need MORE SPACE! Well, i'll be out soon and getting lotsa leg and arm space coz mummy had a gigantic cot for me! And, she's going to dress it up just for me! well, mummy said i will be a beautiful baby and precious in God's sight! :) Coz God created me for His glory! i'll be OUT! wait for me!!!!:)
when i was 4 mths old....

when i was 4 mths old in mummy's tummy, Dr Tee informed mummy that she can FLY! Phew! Oh boy, she was so happpie to be able to travel. Daddy decided to pamper her with a tokyo trip and PLAy before her tummy gets bigger! mUmmy was energetic in her 2nd trimester, especially when she shopped. My mummy's soft spots: Jap cards .....jap fashion mags which comes with freebies such as pouches and bags.

and since she couldn't go down the rollar coaster, she took the tranquil boat rides and merry-go-round....:) totally safe for pregnant women! mummy could not afford to do anytin that risks my growth!

Thursday, January 15, 2009
One Day in Glory
How beautiful it is to see God one day...........:)
See " One Day in Glory" SP169
crash course!!!!
It kinda reminded me of attending a 3hr lecture or tutorial at NTU. Except that this time, we can't afford to doze off or sleep. Coz it's juz so important and i can't afford to do anything wrong, putting my own baby at risk to any danger becoz of my negligance.
The info provided even in bathing techniques are seriously overwhelming. All the " To Dos" and " Not To Dos" dun ever tink i can remember all of them. I feel so inadequate as a mother coz i am truly a green horn, totally inexperienced even in carrying a baby, not to say bathe a baby.
Reality starts to sink in as i realise having a baby does not juz stop at shopping for her stuff. It also involves much much training and learning on my side: how to breastfeed, how to bathe, how to sterilise her bottles, how to carry her such that i dun twist her neck or arms, how to put her to sleep such that she will not be suffocated by pillows or others. The learning curve is gotta be real steep, and i realise i need to learn Fast and efficient. Time does not permit me to learn at my own pace. When the baby comes, even if i am not ready, i Have to be ready. :) I pray that God can give me wisdom in handling this small little vulnerable thing.:) I'm quite careless. So i seriously need to be more gentle. I wanna enjoy motherhood and the joys of bathing her or changing her diaper or even hearing her cries. And not a grumpy mother who gets irritated by her persistent crying. Oh God, help me! :)
It sounds pretty ridiculous and funny. haha:P But, Ter & I have been experimenting and practising the diff ways of carrying a baby on our little care bear since we have no dummy doll in the house: How to shift from my right to left arms. How to shift from horizontal position of carrying to vertical position. How to burb a baby. How to pass a baby to each other. <> It's like experimenting the 1001 ways to carry a baby. Quite fun and we both ended up laughing and throwing the bear to each other like captain's ball! ( IF onli we can throw little leong to each other like ball! How fun!! And convenient!!! But then again, God does not create babies to be passed like a ball:P Oh well......:) ) Okok, tis is juz plain fun!!!:P
My mil and mother will scream if they hear about tis.
Perhaps, this is what parenthood is all about. i wonder if anyone can " lend" us their baby to let us practise our bathing skills. :P Maybe Ter & I should juz have a date with Fang and Mingyong and bathe little Weiren. SOunds fun!
Oh ya. welcome to Parenthood, Daphne! All the best! U can do it! :P Go. Go. Go.....!!!
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Friday, January 9, 2009
highly recommended Thai Buffet!
There's 2 menus, the Budget and Standard Buffet Menu. We had the Standard Buffet for 5 of us.
Here's what we ordered;
1) Pomela Salad
2) Glass Noodle Salad
3) Mango Salad
4) Fish Maw Soup
5) Seafood Tom Yum Soup
6) Green Curry with Beef
7) Soya Bean Fish
8) Fish Curry
9) Fried Tofu
10) Fried Butter Squid
11) Spicy" Lala" ( shellfish)
12) Mixed Vege
13) Chicken Satay
14) Stuffed Chicken Wings
15) Chicken wrapped in Pandan Leaf
16) Thai Spring Roll
17) Thai Fish Cake
1) Red Rubby
2) Steamed Tapoica
3) Fruits
It was a feast of the eyes as we ordered n ordered. SInce it's BUFFFFFFET!!! The food is good! ANd the whole family is kinda happy with nearly all the dishes. It's an a la carte buffet, so the food quality and presentation was not compromised. U get steaming hot soup and freshly cooked food right from the kitchen. Seriously, i dun reallie like food left over the counter for some time.
With the bill coming up to about $22 bucks per pax, after 15 % discount, we tot it's quite a good deal for this quality and variety of food.
Do visit this little restaurant. Advisable to come in a big group to try all their dishes. i regret not trying the papaya salad! :) AND, Pls ask for small portions. Their portions are Huge! :)
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
wat i did last night
We were right in front of seats meant for the elderly, children and pregnant.
We stood for 10 mins b4 a kind lady 5 seats away stood up to give up her seat for me. i kindly refused her as i was onli a few stops away from my destination. She was reallie kind to notice me though she was 5 seats away. I wonder why the young foreign couple in front of me apparently did not notice a pregnant woman right in front of them.
An old lady boarded the train with lotsa heavy bags and stood beside us. In the midst of my conversation with Kiara, i decide to do a little experiment. i read out the sign in front of me aloud....that the seats in front are meant for the elderly and commented that people are inconsiderate. The young couple continued in their own lovey world.
My last resort. I approached the old lady standing right in front of the couple and asked kindly if she needed a seat. She said No. Well, i thus did not pursue the matter any further. Seriously, if she had replied yes, i would luv to kindly alert the young couple that their seats are meant for the elderly and woulld kindly invite them to give up their seats for the old lady. I remained silent for the rest of the train journey, horrified to what i had juz witnessed.
This is happening in Singapore. And it's terribly horrifying. wow.....
Now, how exactly gracious a society Singapore is? :)
Is our education system truly building the character of our next generation? Or solely to attain its objective to make Singapore a profitable financial centre or the next advanced medical hub of the world? In the midst of academic pursuit, has the teaching of basic value system been compromised? Has excessive emphasis on selfish academic pursuit blinded the eyes of the next generation, that they no longer see truth, kindness and love?
I wonder.....
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Been exploring some new hymms i never knew existed.
This song is truly refreshing! :)
In the midst of our trials or when the going gets tough, may we always remember the great joy, mercy and grace we received when Christ died for us.
Years I spent in vanity and pride,
Caring not my Lord was crucified,
Knowing not it was for me He died on Calvary.
Mercy there was great and grace was free,
Pardon there was multiplied to me,
There my burdened soul found liberty at Calvary.
By God's Word at last my sin i learned
Then i trembled at the law i spurned
Till my guilty soul imploring turned to Calvary
Now I've given to Jesus everything,
Now I gladly own Him as my King,
Now my raptured soul can only sing of Calvary.
Monday, January 5, 2009
how to be a housewife?
At the same time, Ter is kinda happie that his wife is at home finally!!!!:p Yippee for him. He commented that i can be pretty career-minded and workaholic. And he prefers a wife to a career woman. :0 There's so many tots on my mind and i'm juz trying to process and structure them. My conclusion: no one will ever remember how efficient a marketing person u r or how many successful marketing campaigns u launched for the company, but ur family will always remember how good a mummy or wife u r to them.:P i was tinking if i wanna my little one to remember her mummy as the one who spends time to play and educate her or the exhausted working mummy who compensates with lavish gifts, but never able to spend quality time with her. To me, quality time IS quantity time. U will never be able to give quality time without giving quantity time. Shepherding a child's heart requires far more than juz engaging in fun weekend activites. It certainly requires daily effort and time in teaching, educating and building the kid's character. And truly, i realise that i need to get rid of this rat race corporate mind, realign my tots to be a happie mummy! :)
Housework gives me a headache!!! haha:)
But these days, i've been trying to be more a housewife to Mr Ter!!:)
Well, i'm certainly not the perfect housewife. But, i'm indeed trying my best to improve my housekeeping skills. Well, the next time u see Ter chair worship in church, do hop by and see his long-sleeved shirt and u'll know how my ironing skills have improved this month! haha:)
MAny have been talking about new year resolutions and they kinda have like so many resolutions on thir list and i wonder why bother with so many resolutions when u can't even fulfill like half of them. i hate making resolutions i can't keep and i hate to make resolution for the sake of it. Coz i hate making irreaslistic plans.
i remember every year at work, in Dec , i would be setting sales goals, potential clients to target on, plans for the next year. But, tis time round, i bide goodbye to all these. Juz one simple resolution i wanna keep or rather hope to keep as what i know God wants me to be : To be a spirited-filled mummy and wife beautiful in God's sight , to be less self-centred, to put my daughter's and hubby's interest above my own. Clothes do not make a woman beautiful. And, i juz wanna be that mummy or wife beautiful with a pure heart in the sight of God, knowing that even when i'm in plain berms and T-shirt without any accessories or makeup, i'm still most beautiful in God's eyes, in the eyes of my daughter and hubby. :)
Friday, January 2, 2009
more overnight camps in Bird Park
Overnight Camps |
Day One
2.45pm | Arrival of campers. Short briefing |
3.00 pm | Special Tours: Pitter Pellets |
4.00 pm | Kings of the Skies (Birds of Prey Show) |
5.00 pm | Behind-The-Scenes: Birds Of Prey |
6.00 pm | Bird Bath Time |
7.30 pm | Feast with The Flamingos |
9.00 pm | World of Darkness Tour & Nite Walk |
9.30 pm | Night Activities & Supper |
10.30 pm | A Date with Monster ‘Zzzz’ |
Day Two
7.00 am | Rise, Shine & Pack |
8.00 am | Flight-xercise & A Morning Stroll |
8.30 am | Breakfast |
9.30 am | Break Camp |
Cost: | Cost: S$ 60.00 per student, S$30.00 per teacher |
Book now to avoid disappointment!
Kindly contact the Education Officer at 6661 7819 or email
>> Download Education Booking Form here
Birdkeeper Explorer Overnight Camp
A Night With The Feathered Kind At Jurong BirdPark
Day One
11.00 am | Arrival / Camp Briefing |
11.30 am | Behind-The-Scenes : Meet The Vet |
12.00 pm | Lunch |
1.00 pm | Behind-The-Scenes : Eggs & Chicks |
2.00 pm | Workshop : ‘House me in’ |
3.00 pm | Birds n Buddies Show |
3.30 pm | Water Break (A snack & water will be provided) |
4.00 pm | Lory Loft Tour |
5.00 pm | Bird Bath Time |
6.30 pm | Wild Feast |
8.00 pm | Night Activities & Supper |
9.00 pm | A Date with Monster ‘Zzzz’ - Your tent beckons you. Rest well for Day 2. |
Day Two
7.00 am | Rise, Shine & Pack |
8.00 am | Packing up |
8.30 am | Breakfast |
9.30 am | Break Camp |
Cost: | S$ 90.00 per student, S$ 45.00 per teacher (Camp rate is inclusive of admission to the Park, all meals and one group photo) NB: A 10% non-refundable deposit (based on the expected attendance) is required once booking is confirmed. *As only tents will be provided, you are encouraged to bring your own sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, picnic mats, mini portable fan, toiletries, insect repellent and additional torchlights. |
Birdpark Explorer- Overnight School Camp
Day One
1.00pm | Behind-The-Scenes : Avian Hospital Tour |
2.00pm | Workshop : ‘House me in’ |
3.00pm | Lory Loft Tour |
4.00 pm | Birds of Prey Show |
5.00 pm | Bird Bath Time |
6.30 pm 7.00pm | Wild Feast |
8.00 pm | World of Darkness Tour & Nite Walk - What does the BirdPark look like at night? Do birds really sleep at night? |
9.00pm | A Date with Monster ‘Zzzz’ |
Day Two
7.00 am | Rise, Shine & Pack |
8.00 am | Packing up |
8.30 am | Breakfast |
9.30 am | Break Camp |
Cost: | S$ 60.00 per student, S$ 30.00 per teacher NB: A 10% non-refundable deposit (based on the expected attendance) is required once booking is confirmed. *As only tents will be provided, you are encouraged to bring your own sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, picnic mats, mini portable fan, toiletries, insect repellent and additional torchlights. |
Book now to avoid disappointment!
this is fun!
Would surely bring my little one to this if she's of age! :)
Family Camp - Sleep with the Penguins
(2 Days 1 Night)
Get your sleeping bags ready for a cozy family sleepover with our charming penguins. Be entertained by a series of mind-stimulating activities that involve family fun and participation. This camp includes a sumptuous an encounter with some beautiful chicks, BBQ dinner, campfire and Birdpark’s very own early bird breakfast show!
Day 1 - Saturday | |
2.00pm | Arrival and briefing |
| Penguins Behind-the-Scenes BirdPark has been very successful in breeding penguins and this is no mean feat in tropical Singapore. Go behind-the-scenes, pay the penguins a visit and find out more about your neighbours at night! |
3.30pm | Water Break |
4.00pm | Parrots Talk Do parrots make good pets? Do all parrots talk? This meet and greet session will enthrall everyone with the funny antics of the special guest appearances of our resident parrots! |
4.30pm | Panorail Ride |
4.45pm | Lory Loft Guided Tour & Feeding |
5.30pm | Relax and refresh (shower time) |
6.30pm | BBQ dinner Savour a mouth-watering BBQ and the scenic view of Pelican Cove at the same time. |
8.00pm | Family Fun & World of Darkness Tour! Get set for a thrilling good time with bird riddles and games. Stalk the owls and find out why they are known as silent killers. |
9.00pm | Camp Fire The night ends with merriment and supper. |
10.00pm | Turn in with the Penguins |
Day 2 - Sunday | |
7.00am | Rise & Shine |
8.00am | Avian Hospital Tour Come peek into our hospital and facilities that serve over 8000 feathered friends. Learn about some of the unique treatments and medications our vets give to the birds. |
9.00am | The Early Bird Breakfast Breakfast is never boring when you have good company. |
9.30am | Free & Easy Explore the rest of the Park at your own leisure |
Target Age Group:
All ages
Cost (Exclude GST):
$130 per adult (13 & Above)
$110 per child (3 - 12 yrs)
5% off for Feather Friends or Wildlife Unlimited Membership
(Price includes admission, panorail ride, all meals, conducted tours)
Maximum no. of participants: 40 (includes adults & children).
Registrations are on first-come-first-served basis.
*As only tents will be provided, you are encouraged to bring your own sleeping bags, pillows, blankets, picnic mats, mini portable fan, toiletries, insect repellent and additional torchlight.
Booking Procedure:
Kindly contact the Education Officer at 6661 7809/819 or email .
Make a reservation today!
dumping exercise!
I'll be shifting to my inlaws house real soon before the little one arrives. and i''m seriously tinking how i'm going to transport my shoes there. Mum-in- law says i can get an additional shoe rack. But, come to tink of it, after the dumps, i still have 30 pairs of shoes. And, that does not include terence leong's share. In my current house, my shoe rack consists of 8 tiers of 6. That makes a max capacity of 48 shoes, the shoe limit Terence leong has proudly capped n a deal we had both negotiated and agreed on---the no of shoes we can have in our house! i counted little leong's shoes, new and old hand-me downs. Guess what, she has about 12 pairs. This is terrible. I wonder how one shoe rack can fit all our shoes.
ANd, there's still the clothes....Oopss....HELP!!!
maybe i should juz do more dumping and retain my top 10 pairs. :P