The chia sisters celebrated their birthdaes...... cool ice-cream cake for the guests. T & i luv these 2 little gals. Since small group 3 yrs ago, the chia family has been dear to our hearts! Our hearts melt whenever the 2 little ones greet and hug both of us everyweek when we have our weekly small group at their place. May the Lord's blessings be upon this family always!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Up our sleeves.......
take a peek unto the latest happenings in our lives..........
The chia sisters celebrated their birthdaes...... cool ice-cream cake for the guests. T & i luv these 2 little gals. Since small group 3 yrs ago, the chia family has been dear to our hearts! Our hearts melt whenever the 2 little ones greet and hug both of us everyweek when we have our weekly small group at their place. May the Lord's blessings be upon this family always!
Hubby and Alvin " WII"ing away.......
Aloysious and Candy with Rainee---the "hospitable" wong family who drive the whole small group around in their MPV which sits more than 8!
And ya....the little gals in Punggol small group r always in Pink and pastel colours. The Chia and Wong sisters....When we have small group, we'll " shut" the kids in this colourful playroom with their helpers! :P AND, without fail, it is a weekly rountine that rachelle will find and wear THE BOOTS which belongs to Yongen. Well, kids.....Hubby n i call it the " SIGnature pink boots"!
T& i made our own PIzzA! And had sore throat the next day! haha..

The chia sisters celebrated their birthdaes...... cool ice-cream cake for the guests. T & i luv these 2 little gals. Since small group 3 yrs ago, the chia family has been dear to our hearts! Our hearts melt whenever the 2 little ones greet and hug both of us everyweek when we have our weekly small group at their place. May the Lord's blessings be upon this family always!
Friday, April 18, 2008
those were the days
Seen Sin?
I realised that many of us have a misconception of "sin", even Christians. Sometin clean, clear and interesting i discovered in Wellmington and i shall just seek to summarise it:
Hope it's helpful to anyone interested:
-Introduced by Satan in the universe
-Introduced by Adam in the world
-" To miss the mark" ( Greek is hamartia)
-Pictured as any attitude or act of man which does not hit the bull's eye of God's glory target.
- It covers both man's inability to do right and his inclination to do wrong
-Adam's sin affected only himself and merely resulted in a bad moral example
-Adam's sin merely weakened my will to sin
-Becoz of the unity of human race, Adam's sin was imputed to posterity.
-Corrupt nature begets corrupt nature
-This position taken by Paul in Romans 5 and 3:23
" For all have sinned { aorist tense, a once-for-all act in history} and come short {imperfect tense, repeatedly coming short} of the glory of God."
-The Bible thus distinguishes between SIN (the root of my problem, caused by Adam) and SINS(the fruit of my problem, caused by myself)
- I am therefore not a sinner becoz i sin, but i sin becoz i AM a sinner.
It;s my last of leave and hubby is away at work. Bored.....
snoze back to FBI reading to Wellminton and bible.......... :)
Hope it's helpful to anyone interested:
-Introduced by Satan in the universe
-Introduced by Adam in the world
-" To miss the mark" ( Greek is hamartia)
-Pictured as any attitude or act of man which does not hit the bull's eye of God's glory target.
- It covers both man's inability to do right and his inclination to do wrong
-Adam's sin affected only himself and merely resulted in a bad moral example
-Adam's sin merely weakened my will to sin
-Becoz of the unity of human race, Adam's sin was imputed to posterity.
-Corrupt nature begets corrupt nature
-This position taken by Paul in Romans 5 and 3:23
" For all have sinned { aorist tense, a once-for-all act in history} and come short {imperfect tense, repeatedly coming short} of the glory of God."
-The Bible thus distinguishes between SIN (the root of my problem, caused by Adam) and SINS(the fruit of my problem, caused by myself)
- I am therefore not a sinner becoz i sin, but i sin becoz i AM a sinner.
It;s my last of leave and hubby is away at work. Bored.....
snoze back to FBI reading to Wellminton and bible.......... :)
catching up...
Oh Yes! Hubby n i have been catching up with frens this week and on our FBI readings.<> In the midst of our work n ministry, it's truly been a challenge to finish the daily readings demanded by the course, 3 hrs weekly lesson and thank God we've finished our first OT and NT Test. In the next 5 weeks,we 'll have the last 2 final OT tests and 1 NT test. It is our 2nd semester and and IF we have the stamina, perhaps we will go on with next semester. Well,we shall see about that ..........:P
We thank God for sustaining us thru this course. Well,it is tough, but certainly thru disciplined reading, it's amaZing how many books we can cover for the last 11 wks.--Judges, James, Galatians, Ruth, 2 books of Thessalonians, PSalms, Proverbs, 1 & 2 samuel etc.....As i read on the history of these books,their theme message, who wrote them, who they were written for, why they are written, time period, i was truly blessed. The bible is indeed a gem for us to discover and indeed, thru each reading, it's like falling in luv with the Lord each new day. How refreshing is that.It was tough reading, reading and reading but i realised that indeed, we need to read, read and read as the bible is our sword! How can we ever fight the battle when we are not even equipped.
It is with great joy that we inform all our dear frens and brethen from BFC that our plans to US will be delayed till next year. Through wisdom from godly men who had given us very good advice, we are convicted that we are not ready to leave yet so soon. Though our applications and documents had reached US, we had requested for them to hold our application till next year <> God is good and we know that God has a purpose for us to be here for one more year.We pray that you continue to uplift us in prayer as we seek the Lord's will in our lives as a couple for the next year. And as the Lord wills,we pray that He will prepare us for studies for the next 3 years.
Many had thought that we will be upset about not leavng this year. But, well, we thank God for delaying it as He has convicted us that there are many aspects of our lives we need to settle and we are just not ready. To serve him with a clean, broken and contrite heart and have a good testimony before both men and God, we know that we are not ready. Thus, for both of us, we know that for the preparation for the next 3 years, this one year is very crucial for us to grow, especially in the apsect of spritual discipline for we are both very NOT disciplined. Hahaha:P We pray that God will mould and teach us this one year, that we will be more prepared to leave next year. It may been another " SPRING CLEANING"and God needs to spring clean some "mess" in our lives....haha:P We have kinda worked out some plan, and we hope that we will be able to execute it. haha:P Indeed, it is with the Lord's strength and not with ours and we beseech our dear frens to support us in prayers, that God can give us that added grace and strength. For we need that! :)
To all our dear frens and especially frens from Punggol small group who have been praying for us since our decision to leave to sending out application to delaying for one year , thanks for everything. You guys have really sustained us all this while. Love u lotsa.
We thank God for sustaining us thru this course. Well,it is tough, but certainly thru disciplined reading, it's amaZing how many books we can cover for the last 11 wks.--Judges, James, Galatians, Ruth, 2 books of Thessalonians, PSalms, Proverbs, 1 & 2 samuel etc.....As i read on the history of these books,their theme message, who wrote them, who they were written for, why they are written, time period, i was truly blessed. The bible is indeed a gem for us to discover and indeed, thru each reading, it's like falling in luv with the Lord each new day. How refreshing is that.It was tough reading, reading and reading but i realised that indeed, we need to read, read and read as the bible is our sword! How can we ever fight the battle when we are not even equipped.
It is with great joy that we inform all our dear frens and brethen from BFC that our plans to US will be delayed till next year. Through wisdom from godly men who had given us very good advice, we are convicted that we are not ready to leave yet so soon. Though our applications and documents had reached US, we had requested for them to hold our application till next year <> God is good and we know that God has a purpose for us to be here for one more year.We pray that you continue to uplift us in prayer as we seek the Lord's will in our lives as a couple for the next year. And as the Lord wills,we pray that He will prepare us for studies for the next 3 years.
Many had thought that we will be upset about not leavng this year. But, well, we thank God for delaying it as He has convicted us that there are many aspects of our lives we need to settle and we are just not ready. To serve him with a clean, broken and contrite heart and have a good testimony before both men and God, we know that we are not ready. Thus, for both of us, we know that for the preparation for the next 3 years, this one year is very crucial for us to grow, especially in the apsect of spritual discipline for we are both very NOT disciplined. Hahaha:P We pray that God will mould and teach us this one year, that we will be more prepared to leave next year. It may been another " SPRING CLEANING"and God needs to spring clean some "mess" in our lives....haha:P We have kinda worked out some plan, and we hope that we will be able to execute it. haha:P Indeed, it is with the Lord's strength and not with ours and we beseech our dear frens to support us in prayers, that God can give us that added grace and strength. For we need that! :)
To all our dear frens and especially frens from Punggol small group who have been praying for us since our decision to leave to sending out application to delaying for one year , thanks for everything. You guys have really sustained us all this while. Love u lotsa.
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