The kims were feeling bored on wed n decided to test out their cooking skills So, Ter n i ended
up being the guinea pigs. Reached their house at 9pm after long day at work n started our reallie LATE dinner.
Dinner was........well....cream pasta with hotdogs cooked by Mr Kim. Lishan was happily chatting with me while the 2 guys decide whether how they should cook the food. Haha. A simple, last min dinner thingy we did. But , after a long day at work , it's nice to sit back, relax n laze around at their place till midnight. Simple meal. But, i reallie enjoyed it. After seeing the aquarium at their place, Ter n i decide that we should juz get them a pair of mini live seahorses to add to their aquarium ! Hey, it will be quite fun if we can visit our 2 little pets when we vsiit them again. :) YiPee!
Cantata is finally over! And we r juz ready for all the fried food n chilli! We've been discussing about the Chilli /Pepper/ Egg Yolk Crabs FeAst at their place or our place and indulge in all the fried n chilli food we have been deprieved off during Cantata. Now, perhaps,it's time to execute it. Mum taught me how to cook this herbal prawns thingy. Maybe i should juz try it on them! :)
Friday, January 4, 2008
To be carefree.....
I can't wait to be away from the crowds n city.
Just wanna dwell n hibernate in some faraway place with little disturbance with NO handphone! :) That will be like .........PeaCeful! I thought that handphones r juz too disturbing. Imagine having dinner n ur phone rings. It breaks the ambience n feeling!
When i was young, i thought it's quite fun to run away or elope to some faraway place with ur loved one! U dun have to entertain anyone u dun wish to entertain.And u can juz b yourself! :) The whole world can't find u n u juz enjoy the time playing n travelling! Fun right? Then later, when i was a little older, i thought it's fun to be a missionary in a foreign land with no worries of materialism,juz doing the things u reallie wanna do, doing things that reallie matter, like feeding and feeding the poor. Well, i'm quite a carefree person n i hate to be burdened by the many many burdens of life.
Indeed, after graduation, i've seen too many carrying unnecessary burden upon themselves--the burden of material needs, of fame and power. In the process of seeking all these power n fame, perhaps they would have lost more than they gained. And some things lost can never b bought back. When u turn back, it may be jusz too late.
Giving up is never easy. At least to me. I pray that one day, iwill be able to carry my cross , follow Christ with the carefree spirit, casting all anxiety to Him. Indeed, God wants us to give Him our best, not the second best. Are we serving Him now with our youth, our most precious yrs?Or are we telling him we'll give him the yrs after our kids have grown up, after we have climbed up the ladder or after we got our first landed property?
" Turn ur eyes upon Jesus.................
All the things in this world will grow strangely dim"
How true is this.When ur eyes are on God,nothing in this world matters anymore.
Perhaps, only when we have our eyes totally on God can we be totally "so called" carefree from the burdens of this world.
Just wanna dwell n hibernate in some faraway place with little disturbance with NO handphone! :) That will be like .........PeaCeful! I thought that handphones r juz too disturbing. Imagine having dinner n ur phone rings. It breaks the ambience n feeling!
When i was young, i thought it's quite fun to run away or elope to some faraway place with ur loved one! U dun have to entertain anyone u dun wish to entertain.And u can juz b yourself! :) The whole world can't find u n u juz enjoy the time playing n travelling! Fun right? Then later, when i was a little older, i thought it's fun to be a missionary in a foreign land with no worries of materialism,juz doing the things u reallie wanna do, doing things that reallie matter, like feeding and feeding the poor. Well, i'm quite a carefree person n i hate to be burdened by the many many burdens of life.
Indeed, after graduation, i've seen too many carrying unnecessary burden upon themselves--the burden of material needs, of fame and power. In the process of seeking all these power n fame, perhaps they would have lost more than they gained. And some things lost can never b bought back. When u turn back, it may be jusz too late.
Giving up is never easy. At least to me. I pray that one day, iwill be able to carry my cross , follow Christ with the carefree spirit, casting all anxiety to Him. Indeed, God wants us to give Him our best, not the second best. Are we serving Him now with our youth, our most precious yrs?Or are we telling him we'll give him the yrs after our kids have grown up, after we have climbed up the ladder or after we got our first landed property?
" Turn ur eyes upon Jesus.................
All the things in this world will grow strangely dim"
How true is this.When ur eyes are on God,nothing in this world matters anymore.
Perhaps, only when we have our eyes totally on God can we be totally "so called" carefree from the burdens of this world.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Food+ Pressies!

with the Biz galz. It's kinda annual christmas thingy we do since NTU days --hang out at someone's house, eat, chit, laugh,exchange pressies. Gotta miss them when i'm away next yr! well well well,i juz gotta learn to say goodbye. Gimme another 7mths! It's all i have i guess!
All the food we had. EVERY YR, we have pizza n sushi! Hey, can we juz have something different next yr???? Something unChristmasy! I mean why Must we have christmas food on christmas day? :P Like mexican or japanese or indian or steamboat? OK, the variation we have every yr, it's always the dessert. Maybe it's juz the gal thingy- we go thru miles juz 4 dessert. To remember, one yr, we had log cake from Mariott

Wonderful christmas with the galz as usual! Christmas with them WAS/IS/ WILL BE warm n cosy! Well,4 me, good food + good company, that's all it matters!
i've got tis Huge preSsie from YenlEng! haha:)
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